Fever Dream: 07

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I woke in only my boxers, Louis not in bed beside me making my heart sink. It was still dark..seeing as the room was still completely pitch black. The only source of light in the room was coming from the crack at the top of the washroom door.  Looking at the clock on Louis' alarm that sat on his dresser, it was 3:08 am.

I stood up, making my way to his dresser. Checking every drawer until I found a pair of black sweatpants. I quickly slipped them on, double checking the time. It was 3 am.

I wasn't tired. By now I was completely awake, I made my way to the washroom door, slowly hearing the shower running. I stood in front of the door for a couple of minutes, hearing water splash and fall.

Almost as if I was stuck in place. I had time to think about what happened earlier. After all these years something finally happened between us. Years of being infatuated with him, one of my Fever Dreams came true. I finally had a taste of him, I finally got to feel his touch.  Thinking back to the things we did earlier made my stomach turn. My knees grew weak, my heart skipping beats. Palms getting sweaty, and an obvious blush started to spread over my face.

I finally got to feel him. Here I was in his bedroom once again feeling like I did 5 years ago when we kissed. Louis and I had only ever kissed once in our lives. It was quick, it happened after hearing the news about "Larry Stylinson."   We had both found it quite funny, but our management told us not to speak on the subject of it. We had our lives watched every step of the way trying to make sure our careers weren't compromised. Excuse me.. "Simon's career".

We both would always do things just to piss off management. The only reason I believe he and I didn't happen more quickly was because of that damn management. I hated them for making me try to be someone I wasn't. They painted me as this "womanizer" When in reality the only person I wanted most was him, and for the life of them, they did everything in their power to try to convince me it was wrong.

It was never wrong. It will never be wrong. I'm tired of hiding what I feel for him. I'm tired of being afraid about what people would think. Growing up away from the band these past  5 years  I had quickly realized I didn't give a damn about what people thought of me. I wasn't going to run away this time. No turning back, I was all in for it, all the drama that it brings. I'm ready to show the world who I am, and I want to do it with him.

Lost in my thoughts still standing in front of the door, I heard the shower stop, and the shower door close.

Quickly running over to the bed, I slipped under the sheets with my back facing the washroom door. Pretending to be asleep, I heard Louis opening the door, and shutting off the light switch.

He shuffled his feet towards the bed, for some reason even with my eyes closed I felt him observing me. 

A couple minutes go by still feeling his eyes on me, hearing him take a deep sigh. I hear shuffling as a weight lifts from me, suddenly hearing the balcony door slide open, causing the cold breeze to hit me.

I slowly open my eyes, taking a look around, finally seeing him. He looked so perfect.  He stood there looking up at the moon leaning against the railing. God he looked so hot. Especially with  his tattoos making him glow even more. He stood there only for a couple minutes turning around causing me to shift in the bed, pretending I was still asleep.

"Harry?" He quietly called out. I decided to not respond back to him, not wanting to have to talk about what happened. That could wait a couple of hours longer.

He sighed, believing I was still asleep. "God, what have I done?" I heard him say under his breath. In a few seconds my heart was crushed. I knew he'd regret it. What did I expect? He had  obviously never been with a man. So what, did I think that giving him a mind-blowing blowjob would solve all of our problems? Like seriously what did I expect.

He made his way towards the bed, picking up the covers and softly placing himself on the bed. He moved closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, I could feel his breath on my neck.

I was mad. How the hell is he going to regret what he did, and then go an do some stupid shit like this? I tried pulling away from him making him say "Har? Are you awake..? " I quickly shot up from the bed, now standing up turning around to face him.  His face showed signs of confusion and concern.

"How in the fuck. Are you going to regret what you did and try to cuddle with me?" I said angrily in a low voice. He quickly got up making his way towards the side of where I stood. "So you were awake?" He asked, now standing in front of me completely broken. "I don't regret it Harry." "I'm just scared." He said leaving voice crack in between his sentences.

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