Live: 14/2

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A couple minutes had passed, when I was still on the live answering questions, and playing a few of my songs.

I decided to answer this one question that read, "You always ask have we've been, how have YOU been?"

I laughed answering, "Honestly this week, I've been doing a whole lot better, I've been hanging with my best lads you know?"

"Oh also, later today I get to see Eleanor so yeah, I've been doing pretty good."

As I got lost in my thoughts playing the guitar, interacting with fans, I saw the front door open. The boys dropped all the bags and quickly ran over to the couch and jumped all over me.

"AYY!! YOO! WHATS UP!" Niall and Liam said taking the phone away from me, I laughed and walked towards Harry, moving him out of frame.

Liam and Niall talked to the live, leaving Harry and I, in the entrance of my house.

I picked up all the bags, Harry helping me as we walked to the kitchen. We placed all the bags on the kitchen counters, Harry placing a bag that smelled so good, onto the kitchen island.

He pulled out a bar stool, sitting down, looking over to me, "Sit," He said, pulling out another bar stool.

I look at him and jokingly roll my eyes, I sit down beside him, as he pulls his stool closer to me. He reaches over me brushing his hair in my face, reaching for the bag.

I leaned back, allowing him to grab the bag, as he quickly takes out two bowls and places one in front of me and himself.

"You didn't eat at the cafe?" I asked, as he handed me a fork. "Nah, didn't want you to eat all alone," He said, removing the lid of his bowl.

"Really..?" I was confused, while he opened mine for me, "Of course," He said, smiling at me, making me blush.

You could overhear the guys in the back talking on the live, "Well not to rush you or anything, but you do have to go say hey to the live." I said to him finally looking down at my food.

"Yeah, that can wait, right now we're having brunch." He said smirking at me,

"Oh my god, this is my favorite, how did you know?" I asked, eagerly removing the fork from the plastic.

"Lou, I lived with you for years, how could I not remember your go to order?" He said, taking my fork from my hand.

He grabbed some of my food on the end of the fork and brought it up to my mouth, I took a bite, pushing his hand back down.

"Is it good," He asked, but I didn't respond, due to the fact I was chewing, causing him to take a bite of his own food.

"This shit is amazing," I say taking the fork out of his hand before he put it in his mouth,

"Um what the hell Lou," He chuckled, as I took the fork, feeding him.

" flirt," Harry said, putting his hand on my thigh, squeezing it, making me blush heavily.

"As if," I said jokingly, taking another bite of my food.

We continued to eat, and talk for a bit.

For the first time Harry and I had finally had a moment in the entire week he had been staying here. We had decided it wasn't the best idea for us to share a bed, seeing as we could never tell what would happen.

As we finished eating, I stood up and cleaned up, walking towards the sink, "I could help you know?"

"I know you aren't much of a cleaner," Harry said walking over to me, he stood beside me trying to take the dish away from me.

"Haz, go say hey to the live, you bought me food, the least I could do is wash our plates." I say pushing him away with my elbow, not wanting to touch him with my soapy hands.

"Fine, only because you told me to," He says, squeezing my shoulder, as he walks away into the living room, my eyes following his fine ass.

I finish washing the dishes, as I hear Harry greeting the Live, making me smile, as butterflies form in my stomach.

A couple hours later:

We had ended the live earlier, we were bored so we watched a couple movies until it was 4:50 pm.

After the last movie, Niall and Liam said goodbye to Harry and went up to their rooms, leaving me and Harry alone again. "Well, we should probably get going huh." Harry said getting up from the sofa beside me.

"Yeah, the airport is an hour away, so we should get going." I said grabbing my phone, and jacket, that laid on the couch, or which I thought was mine.

I didn't notice until I had it on, but only because the way Harry was smirking at me. "That looks great on you, keep it, it looks better on you anyway." Harry said jokingly, grabbing my keys off the coffee table.

I was embarrassed as hell, what if he thought I did that on purpose?

"Oh I didn't realize it was your jacket.." I said trying to take it off, but Harry walked over to me, stopping me. "Don't, seriously." He said looking down to me, scanning me up and down.

He handed me the keys, as we both walked outside, to my car.

We both got into the car, I pulled out of the driveway and began driving. Harry connected the aux cord to his phone and started blasting his music and singing along, making me laugh, as I started to sing along.

A mix of both of our songs started playing, as we both sang our lungs out during "Always you," and "Habit." Without even double thinking it, I placed my hand on Harry's inner thigh, he looked at me smiling ear to ear. We both sang as a shuffle of each of the guy's songs came on,until we reached his house.

I pulled into his driveway, I removed my hand from his thigh, putting the car in park, looking over to him.

"Thanks for today," He said looking at me, "Thank you too," I said to him, our eyes on each other.

I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I couldn't, and it was killing me. Today was such a day, it was probably the best day I had in forever.

'Well, I don't want to keep you," he said unbuckling his seat belt, and opening the car door. He started stepping out the car, but I grabbed his hand before he could get out.

He whipped his head around, looking back at me, I bit my lip contemplating if I should kiss him.

"Sorry.." I said letting go of his hand, him just giving me a smile and stepping out of the car, "Thanks again," He said closing the car door. I leaned my head back, as I hit my head on the car seat softly, closing my eyes taking a deep breath. Rubbing my hands across my face in distress, my car door suddenly opened.

Harry's hand quickly cupped my face and placed his lips onto mine. Our lips moved in sync, as he held my face. His tongue slowly found mine, as they danced together, my hand cupped his face.

God, what the hell were we much as I wanted this I felt so guilty, I would never be able to do anything with him without feeling guilty, not until I ended things with El.

I pulled away, placing a small reassuring kiss on his lips. "Haz.." I said my forehead resting on his, "Sorry, I know we said we couldn't but I needed to." He said to me, pulling away.

We both looked at each other in desperation, until he finally backed away and closed my door. I followed him with my eyes until he finally entered his house.

I took a deep breath, slowly pulled out of his driveway and made my way towards the airport.

Always You (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now