London: 02

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After hours of singing lullabies over the phone to my son Freddie I was completely exhausted. Drained from the brightness of my screen, I walked over to where my bed was, turned off the lights and let my head hit the cold pillow. I drifted into my sleep until this annoying ass ring awoke me. I knew exactly what it was. The f*cking doorbell. Who the hell was at my house at 10 pm? How the hell did they even get through the gate?

I grunted, walking over to the mirror, as I stared back at myself. I would be going on tour in a year, all my life consisted of right now was being a dad, and a full time boyfriend, to a girl I've been dating for years who I have yet to convince myself I will eventually fall in love with. Bags under my eyes, my body thin as ever, my hair outgrown. I really needed to fix myself. I was bored out of my mind. I needed to feel something, I needed a reason to live for, besides my beautiful son. I quickly snapped out of my head as I heard another ring. Knowing that this was most likely important because security would not let anyone through the gate I fixed myself and made my way to my front door.

I checked the security cams not seeing anyone outside. I opened the front door, shocked, my body being unable to comprehend what was happening right now. Niall himself stood in front of my door, Liam emerging beside him. Smiles on both of their faces, admiring my very rubbish look. "Liam...Niall..?" I said in a shaky voice. Maybe I was dreaming.. after all I was sleep deprived.

"So incredible to see you mate", Niall said reaching out for a hug, I embrace Niall in my arms, patting his back. I've always hated being shorter than all of them, but it is what it is.

I let go of Niall and greet Liam with the same greeting, only holding on a bit longer...

Niall shouted, "Well surprise!" I laughed, but only because the way his accent made it sound, I was very confused on what was happening. Then I felt a pit in my stomach, flipping and turning over and over. My palms started to sweat, my cheeks started to flush red, if they were here it could only mean one thing. They want the band back together.

I moved out of the way signalling for them to come inside. They both did so. I was nervous because if this was about what I thought it was going to be about, Harry would be here. As I started to shut the door, a foot stopped me midway.

I knew exactly who it was. From the way his dark skinny black jeans fit on him, and his Chelsea boot was exactly his size, and also scuffed up. It was him. So many thoughts attacked my head, especially my heart. My heart began to pound louder as ever, as I grabbed the door slowly opening it.

My heart sank. It hurt. It was f*cking Harry Styles. He stood there tall as ever looming over me in my doorway,  I didn't move. I stood there looking him up and down, he doing the same, as I finally got the courage to look into his green eyes, I froze. I could hear Niall and Liam catching up in the background slowly fading away. They were most likely heading to the gaming room, seeing as how they were always here before, they know their way around. That left Harry and I stood at the entrance of my house admiring everything about each other. He looked... amazing. He looked fit, healthy, happy and handsome as hell.

I've always said that I'm "straight," but it doesn't take an idiot to know Harry is good looking. Was I maybe Bi? I mean obviously I like women, I have a child. Somehow throughout all of these years Harry's made me question everything about myself. He was my best friend for the better half of my life. I loved him, he helped through things no one could have imagined. Throughout all of that I couldn't help but feel something towards him. Nothing I get towards the other boys. Did I have feelings for Harry? Or was it just that devilish charm of his?

Quickly realizing I had been making eye contact with him this entire time leaving him standing in my doorway, I grabbed his hand pulling him inside, shutting the door behind him. Only inches away from him, he leaned in. Putting his arms around with his back straight, I of course hugged him back. Being short sucked. As we were hugging he left my feet dangling in the air.

There he was. Playful Harry. My best friend. I didn't want to let go and he obviously didn't either. Not wanting to let go , I began to get tired, losing feeling in my legs, which he noticed. His hands fell off my back and to the bottom of my bum, picking me up. so I could wrap my legs around him.

He spun me around as we laughed, not putting me down. I removed my face from his neck looking at his face. "I missed you Tomlinson" Harry said while laughing. He awaited my response, smirking, still not letting me go. This is exactly what I mean by he makes me question everything. Even after all these years he still makes me feel whatever the hell this is.

"God it's been way too long since I've seen your face." I said, as I hugged him one last time before he put me down.

"How have you been?" Harry asked, leaning on the wall beside the door. That was the multimillionaire question. How was I? I didn't know whether to lie at him or tell him the truth. Knowing he is still my best friend after that encounter, I want to tell him everything.

About my sister passing, my mother also passing. I had yet to open up to anyone about it. Harry loved my mother, my mother also loved Harry. She was like a second mom to him his whole life. Harry had reached out to me when the news broke, but I couldn't bare to do anything over the phone. I lost my mother, but so did he. Even though they weren't actually related I think my mom loved Harry even more than I did. Just thinking about her gets me so emotional. She was my everything she was my mom.

Always You (L.S)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora