Talk :10

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It's crazy how one day can change your entire life. How everything you've ever wanted in life suddenly becomes a reality. Here I was, washing away the night before, his touch fading away, with the warm water hitting my skin.

I was completely cleaning myself of his touch, I hated the thought of his touch being taken away from me. To know that after years of hiding and trying to get it right we still couldn't. To know that everything we ever worked for could be taken away from us just as quickly as it was given, all because the world wouldn't accept our love.

Lying to our families and the people who care about us more than they do themselves.

I had a taste of Louis Tomlinson. I was addicted, as if his touch was some sort of drug, and I was in a devastating withdrawal. Water fell onto my skin, my heart ached, as I realized the salty taste on my mouth was not water, but tears.

My heart ached for us, how could one night completely over turn me, it just shows how addicting he was, and what he could do to me. This feeling made me feel empty, angry, and betrayed.

I betrayed my own self, I always knew Louis would never be ready, but I did it anyway, though all the doubt, the questions, the realizations, I thought maybe, just maybe, there was a part in him that made his heart float just like mine.

Water dripped down my body, I lifted my head up to the shower-head feeling my skin be massaged by the pressure of the water. For a moment everything stood still. Warm water soothed my skin, where his hands should have laid.

Everything was suddenly okay, as if my heart stopped hurting, the water no longer felt as special, my heart was filled with pure joy, I no longer felt empty, my heart was mended, and everything around me stopped, I no longer felt the water on my skin, I no longer felt the emptiness and pain, I was completely lost. Lost of words, sense, as my knees grew weak.

"Haz?" Louis asked me confused, looking into my eyes.

Holy shit. It was him, I was looking into his eyes the entire time, when suddenly the pain stopped, it wasn't random, it was those damn eyes.

The second he walked in my eyes met his, and was in complete awe that created this sense of peace in me , how the fuck did I not see him standing there this entire time.?

"Sorry I walked in.. I just, I called for you..but you didn't answer.." Louis apologized, handing me a towel.

"Um, the guys are downstairs, they told me to come get you.. " Louis stammered, his eyes were no longer looking into mine, instead his eyes ran up and down my body, as I wrapped the towel around my waist.

His look made my stomach flip, as an obvious red tint spread across my cheeks. He knew exactly what he was doing, and it was driving me insane. At this moment I knew I wanted him, but I also knew I couldn't have him. God, if he were to keep looking at me like this, I will not be able to keep control.

No control.

" can't keep doing that..." I said in a low angry voice, as I stepped out of the shower causing him to turn around. He leaned on the countertop with his back facing me,

"I left clothes for you on the bed." He said not looking at me, walking out of the washroom, his eyes never meeting mine again.

My eyes followed his every move as he soon exited the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. I changed into the clothes he gave me, the clothes were a little tight considering the fact he was much smaller than me. The best part of it was, even though they were clean clothes they still smelled exactly like him, and I loved it. If I couldn't have him wrapped around me, I could at least have a part of him somehow.

As I fixed my clothes and hair in the mirror, I made my way to the bedroom door, only to be caught off guard by the ring of a cell phone. I quickly looked around as it rang, convinced it was my phone, which I had yet to check on. I found the phone under my pillow, but to my surprise it was Louis' phone.

The caller ID made my stomach turn. Regret washed over me in a matter of seconds,

What had I done..? I promised myself that I would never be this person. That I would never stoop so low, how could I forget, how could I be so shallow and selfish??

I made Louis Tomlinson a cheater.

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