Diagnosed: 35

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Luca left his clipboard on the door shelf, as I stepped outside with him, he pulled me into another room.

"We need to talk.." Luca said with a concerned look on his face, making my stomach turn.

"It's about Louis' test results.."

"His test showed signs of an early disease.."

"I need you to tell me if he's been feeling the following symptoms.." Luca tried asking me, pulling out some sticky notes. At this point, my mind was all over the place.

"How often does he get headaches?" Luca asked.

"um..like.. every day.." I responded, hoping for the best.

"Does he lie in bed a lot?"

"Yes..but...I think that's just who he is.."

"You see we are in a band together, we tour and stuff, that requires physical activity so I wouldn't say he was lazy..but yeah whenever he has the chance he is usually laying down.."

"I understand, Shortness of breath?"




"Lost of appetite?"


"weakness or tiredness..."

"Again..both of us are always tired.."

Luca sighed, as he wrote on his notepad, he took a deep breath, running his hand over his face. My heart began to pound out of my chest. My mind ran wild, thinking of endless possibilities of what it could be. My mind rushing to the only thought I could think of.

"He's sick isn't he..?" I mumbled, feeling tears form in my eyes. Luca took a deep breath, as he reached for my hand.

He held both of my hands, taking a minute to look into my eyes.

"Due to his family genetics, we both know how high of a risk he is for cancer."

"I'm afraid his smoking habits have sped up the process, he is diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer. We are lucky enough to find it in its early stages however it's not long before his body starts to shut down." Luca tried explaining, feeling the entire world go quiet.

My body froze, I could see Lucas's lips moving, but I couldn't hear a thing. Everything was silent, as a faint ring remained in my ears. My legs began shaking, as I felt myself not breathing. My lungs screamed for air, the world going black, I collapsed to my knees.

I began panting for air, not being able to breathe. The noise came rushing in, I heard yelling, as I was falling, my head inches away from the ground, Luca's hand was swiftly placed on the back of my head, preventing me from hitting it against the floor.

"HARRY!" Luca yelled, checking my pulse, before placing his stethoscope on my chest. He pulled me up, and into his chest trying to get me to calm down.

"Harry I need you to take deep breaths for me man," He said, rocking me in his chest, me still not being able to calm my breathing.

He stood both of us up, reaching for a brown paper bag, handing it to me, as we sled back onto the ground.

"Breathe into this...I need you to breathe Harry.." He said as I breathed into the bag.

Minutes breathing into the bag, my breathing began slowing down, as I melted into Luca's arms. I sobbed endlessly, as people watched from outside of the hall. Stares and pointing were made at the two of us until Luca shut the door with his foot.

I felt his hand stroke my hair, as he held me. The feeling was soothing but nothing compared to how Louis would hold me. I refused to live in a world where he wouldn't.

"I'm sorry.." Luca said before I pulled away from his chest. I tried standing up, losing my balance, Luca caught me, as he helped me gain my balance again.

I wiped my tears, trying to collect myself. Luca stood in front of me, with a distraught look on his face. "I don't think I can do this.." I admitted to him, as he sighed, pulling me back in.

"He is going to need you.." Luca said as he squeezed me tightly. I quickly composed myself, checking in the mirror that was attached to the door. I wiped my tears away, blinking fast, so the whiteness would return to my eyes, hoping the redness would fade away.

"I need to go back to him.." I said turning to face him, his face held a sorry look.

"Yeah..we should get back to him.." He said.

I opened the door, as stares fell upon the two of us once again, I ignored it seeing as how I am used to it, I made my way back to the room again.

I opened the door to find Louis reading the clipboard Luca had left behind. His head shot up to the both of us, his face in disbelief as tears stained his cheeks, his eyes red. My heart sunk, seeing him throw the clipboard across the room, as paced back and forth, running his hand through his hair.

I no longer tried keeping my composure, making my way over to him trying to comfort him, hearing Luca close the door behind him. I tried to touch him, reaching my arms out to him, only for my arms to be shoved away.

"Don't touch me," Louis spat at me, Luca grabbing my arm, pulling me behind him.

"I'm sick...I'm fucking sick.." Louis cried out in disbelief, as Luca tried to grab him. Louis fought his touch, punching and hitting him trying to push him away, finally giving in, breaking down into his arms. He sobbed into his arms, as my heart ached to hold him myself.

All I wanted was to hold him and tell him everything was going to be okay, but I couldn't.

"This is all my fault," I heard Louis cry out into his arms, making my heart crack.

After a couple of minutes, Luca placed Louis down onto the table once again. His voice remained sturdy even though he saw both of us go through pain.

"We um..we..we found it early.."

"I know it seems impossible right now, but we need to discuss treatment plans right away," Luca explained, as I looked over to Louis, he sat quietly looking down to the ground.

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