His touch: 20

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The morning sun beamed through the curtains in my bedroom, birds chirped, as you could hear the London traffic vibrate the room.

My body laid in his arms, I was turned away from his face, on my side, his arm around my waist, while our legs were intertwined. Leaving absolute zero space between us, I could feel something hard against my back, and it didn't take a genius to figure out what it was.

This is everything I had ever imagined, being like this, him holding me, waking up every morning to the feeling of his bare body against mine,  the way he buried his head into my back, to the way he so softy snored.

The biggest smile was painted on my face, as I broke out of his embrace and stretched, causing him to squirm. I turned on my side to face him, he looked so peaceful.

His hair was messy, his curls framing his perfect face, his lips so soft, I admired his look, as he pulled me closer to him once again.

I chuckled, as he slowly began to open his eyes, still not being able to take my eyes off his face. He continued holding me, both of us getting lost in each other's eyes.

We stayed there for a few minutes, as a smile emerged on his beautiful face, causing me to sigh.

I brought my hand to his face, and caressed his cheek. I tucked his curls back, looking at him one last time.

I turned my body away from him and hid my face in the pillow as  I said,

"I don't want to talk to you that close..morning breath sucks."

He laughed, responding with "I'm glad we both feel the same way."

"Lou?" He asked, me still hiding my face in my pillow.

"Are you..?" He tried asking me, as I quickly turned my body around to face him.

"Am I what.." I mumbled, trying to not open my mouth as much.

He laughed, as he placed his arm onto my waist, his fingers playing with the band of my boxers.

"Are you sticky...?" He asked with a big smile on his face, as relief flowed through me.


"Yes, definitely after cuddling all night, it was a bit warm." I said, pulling the bed sheets off of us.

"Well, we should both have a shower, maybe share a toothbrush, so I can finally kiss those precious lips of yours eh?" Harry suggested, as he laid on his back, looking up to the ceiling.

I sat up on the edge of the bed, my feet dangling, as I turned my head towards him saying, "That sounds like a good idea."

"I call shower first!" Harry said, quickly sprinting out of the bed and to the washroom.

I admired the sight of Harry being so playful and cheeky,  following right behind him, as he tried shutting the washroom door.

I quickly grabbed the handle, before he got the chance to shut it, stepping into the washroom, as Harry reached for the shower door.

I quickly closed the door behind us, locking it for good measure.  Harry looked at me confused, as I grabbed the toothbrush and toothpaste off the sink.

The water ran, Harry waiting for the water to warm up.

"What are you.." Harry asked nervously, as I prepared to brush my teeth.

I looked at him, applying the toothpaste on the toothbrush, and just smiled.  I quickly turned back around, no longer facing him, and towards the sink, as I brushed my teeth.

Harry turned off the water, and stood there watching me, with a very confused look on his face.

I finished brushing my teeth, as I wiped my mouth with my hand, looking back at Harry through the mirror, he was anxiously biting his lip, waiting for me to do something.

I opened the medicine drawer, and pulled out an unopened light-blue toothbrush. I turned to Harry, as his nervous ticks were replaced with a smile on his face.

"I picked this up for you the other day." I said handing him the toothbrush, placing him in front  of the sink.

Harry opened the toothbrush, and began brushing his teeth, as I started the shower again, making Harry whip his head around.

He looked at me, as foam was on the corner of his lips, toothbrush laying still in his mouth, as I gave him a slight smirk.

He turned back around, and quickly finished brushing his teeth.

He turned around and asked me, "Lou, what are you doing, I said I was showering first."

I laughed, as I walk towards him, pulling him by his waist, "I thought this could be quicker,"

I grabbed his hand, leading him to the shower. I removed my boxers, as they pooled onto the floor, stepping into the shower.

I threw my head back, closing my eyes, pointing up at the shower-head, and let the warm water run over my body. I ran my hands through my hair, as I gasped for air. I finally opened my eyes, to see Harry intensely admiring me. Through the glass door, I could still see him in his boxers, as an obvious bulge could be seen, my eyes now completely set on his lower area.

"Aren't you coming in?" I asked, opening the shower door, poking my head out.


"I just had to admire you for a second," He said, all cheeky, removing his boxers, and stepping in the shower.

I faced my body towards his, my eyes, scanning his face, while he looked down to me, the water hitting both of us.

His eyes trailing from my feet, and up to my lips. He placed his lips onto mine softly, pulling our bodies together.

He pulled me closer, as he kissed me passionately, running his hand through my hair, while I dug my nails into his back. Our kiss began to grow rough, leaving us both panting for air. He pushed me against the shower tile , knocking over the shampoos of the shelf. 

Always You (L.S)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon