Her Body: 15

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I laid in bed beside Eleanor, her naked body closer to me than ever, yet I didn't feel a damn thing. Not even when I slept with her earlier today.

It just wasn't the same, she didn't make me feel anything that even remotely felt like his touch. The way her smell didn't make me feel joy anymore, the feeling of her skin, the way her eyes looked at me, didn't light me up the way Harry's did.

His smell intoxicated me, the way when our skin would touch, that would drive me insane, the look in his eyes when he looks at me with complete lust.

I was fucked. Now that I finally felt how his touch felt, it's all I ever want. He did everything so perfectly, as if he knew all of my spots. At this point, there was no denying it, I liked Harry, I wanted Harry, I needed Harry. Yes I was bisexual, but for Harry, I was a complete gay disaster.

I quickly snapped out of my inappropriate thoughts, feeling El getting closer to my chest, I took a deep breath, and looked around the room.

I reached over to my phone, that laid on the nightstand and opened my messages. I reread the messages between Harry and I, making me blush.

I replayed our kiss about a thousands times, especially when I was doing it with Eleanor, I didn't have it in me, so I just pictured it was Harry doing. The way his lips felt on mine, I could do it for hours and never get enough of him.

I went onto twitter to see what was happening, as soon as I went on, I saw #LARRY everywhere...

One tweet stuck out to me the most, making me smile, as butterfly's formed in my stomach, 

"The fact that the boys ate at the cafe, and Harry waited to eat back at Louis' place so that Louis wouldn't eat alone, is the cutest thing in the entire world to me."

I laughed at the tweet, I wish I could retweet it, or at least reply to it without sending the entire world into chaos.

As I scrolled through Twitter for a couple minutes, I closed out the app, only a minute later to get a text from Harry, to which I quickly open in seconds.

"Hey, are you up? -H"

"Yeah, whats wrong?"

"Nothing, I just kinda need to to talk to you. -H"

"Harry we saw each other a couple hours ago.."

"Yeah, but I've been seeing you everyday for a week now, forgive me for missing you a bit :/ -H"

"Well, I miss you to Haz."

"What ya doing? :) -H" 

"It's two in the morning Harry, I'm in bed, what else would I be doing?"

"I don't know, sleeping with El. -H"

"Yeah, because I would be texting you during that.."

"Wouldn't blame ya ;) -H"

"Very funny Haz"

"I think I am, -H"

"I had to change the sheets on my bed.."

"What do you mean?? -H"

"Well not to bring this up again, but there was stains left from that night..."

"AHAHAHHA, sorry, but that is extremely funny to me." 

"Are you sure it wasn't yours? :) -H"

Fucking dick. I was trying to be serious, and all he was doing was playing around. He is so impossible. If he wanted to flirt, I was going to make it extremely hard for him.

I quickly responded with,

"No, I'm sure it wasn't mine, you swallowed all of mine, remember? ;))"

He read the message, but he let a few minutes go by, I probably made him shit his pants, hell I would if he said something like that to me. 

I laughed and shrugged it off as, I scrolled on Twitter again to kill some more time.

As I scroll through Twitter, liking and replying to comments, Harry's name pops up on my screen.

"You fucker.-H"

"Damn right."

"You fucker," it made me laugh a little to hard, causing El to shift in the bed. I quickly wiped the snug look off my face, and sent a goodnight night text, setting my phone back onto the nightstand. 

I shifted in the bed, trying to put as much space between El and I, I turned on my side scooting towards the edge, and finally closing my eyes.

Finally   I was free from her touch, but sadly it was short lived, as her body grew closer to me, she wrapped her arm around my waist. 

This was going to be a long night.

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