Strange Morning: 46

Start from the beginning

"Louis said he wanted to take me out," I explained, Liam nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm hanging out with Ni and Maya today," Liam went on.

We talked a bit when Niall walked into the kitchen again. Niall whispered into Liam's ear, Liam's expression changing into a smile.

"What?" I asked, Niall's head whipping up to me, Liam cleared his throat.

"Oh, it's just, you know..."

"Hey," Louis interrupted, patting Liam and Niall on their shoulders. He walked over to me, placing his hands on each side of my shoulders from behind me, I leaned my head back onto his chest, looking up at him, he placed a soft kiss on my lips, before pulling away.

"What are you guys talking about?" Louis asked, his hands still on my shoulders, I lowered my head down again, seeing Liam's expression changing into a worried look, Niall distancing himself from Liam.

We both examined them acting weird, squinting at them, I tried figuring them out,

"I don't know, that's what I'm trying to find out too," I said, seeing Niall run his hand through his hair nervously, Liam, picking through the trail-mix.

"What do you mean?" Louis asked, squeezing my shoulder before walking towards the cabinet.

"They're being all weird and secretive," I explained to Louis, he leaned against the counter, with his hands pushing his body forward. I watched Louis' body stiffen, his eyes fixated on the both of them, Niall nervously chuckled.

"He whispered in my ear, and Harry thinks we were telling secrets," Liam whined, Louis' eyes sending daggers to Niall.

"And you also treated me like a baby," I added on, Louis cleared his throat turning around, preparing himself a bowl of cereal.

"You buy into things way too much," Liam joked walking over to me, patting me on my shoulder before walking over to the dining table.

He grabbed his keys, Niall following behind him like a puppy, "I'll see you later, I'm going home," Liam said, walking out of the kitchen. I watched Niall pet Clifford and Bruce, before walking out of the kitchen behind Liam.

I scoffed at them, turning to see Louis eating his cereal standing up. I tried to talk to him but it was dry, and he would never meet my eyes for longer than three seconds. There was something up, and I was out of the loop. What the hell was going on..??

Louis finished his cereal, while I waited for him, scrolling through Twitter. Louis left his bowl in the sink, I smiled knowing he was still the same Louis he used to live with.

"So, we should get our day started," Louis said, I looked over at the clock, it was already three pm, shocked I had stayed in bed so late.

"Yeah, let me get ready," I said, making my way out of the kitchen, Louis following behind me. We made our way into our bedroom, I walked over to the closet through the washroom. I grunted, feeling Louis trailing his fingers from my calves, his fingers sliding under my robe, his arms wrapping around my waist. Both of his hands cupping my tummy, his pinky and ring fingers slid under the waistband of my boxers.

I threw my head back, leaning my head over his shoulder, while he placed, wet kisses in the crook of my neck.

"Wear something nice," Louis whispered into my ear, after suckling on the skin under my jaw. He pulled his hands from my waist, reaching over my back for one of his suits, and a pair of black loafers angled carefully.

Louis left me in the closet breathless, my mind running wild, as I regained my breath from his little stunt. Louis hardly ever wore suits, and he had chosen a classy one, so he knew he was serious about dressing well.

I rummaged through my suits, coming across a Louis' blue-colored suit. I smiled, taking it off its hanger, grabbing a pair of black loafers as well.

I closed the door, locking it, seeing Louis look himself in the mirror, still undressed. I quickly dressed myself, staring back into the mirror, I needed to fix my hair, as well as apply some touches on my face,

"Louis?" I called,

"Yeah," Louis called out from the other side of the door, trying the doorknob. I heard him laugh, "What are you doing? You aren't jacking off in there after our little moment are you?" Louis said through the door making me blush.

"Yeah right dick, can you just leave, I want it to be a surprise, wait downstairs please!" I pleaded, hearing him grunt.

"Fine, but you better be quick, I'm growing inpatient Styles," Louis said, as I heard his footsteps grow further away.

I unlocked the door, opening it slightly, peeking through the gap. The coast was clear, I opened the door, stepping out, placing myself in front of the mirror.

After a couple of minutes of struggling with my curls, I finally got my hair to stay in place. I applied some concealer under my eyes, as well as powder. I curled my lashes, also applying mascara, finishing off with a swab of pink lipstick over my lips, not fully, just a little for color.

I laughed remembering when Gemma came home one day catching me playing with her make-up. Safe to say, Gemma was the first person who knew about my sexuality, she helped figure my shit out, while also being my 'wing-woman' as she liked to call it. She taught me how to use make-up, and how to hit on guys. I also remember when she teased me about having a crush on Louis when the band had just been put together, that girl was probably our biggest fan.

I sprayed some cologne on my wrist, one small spray on my chest, making sure not to spray my neck, seeing as how Louis might want to kiss it, I wouldn't want him to lick cologne.

I walked out of the washroom, and into the room, quickly grabbing my phone off the nightstand where it was charging, and placing it inside my pocket before exiting the room.

I walked down the stairs, seeing Louis standing handsomely at the bottom of the stairs. His arms were pinned behind his back, his eyes shimmering, a smile painted on his face, while he watched me strut down the stairs.

I felt butterflies in my stomach, he looked so damn hot. He reached out his hand, helping me off the final step, the heel of the loafers gave me an extra inch, I loomed over him, seeing him much smaller than ever.

"God, you are so freakishly tall," He complained, his eyes scanning me up and down. We admired each other's looks, I heard him let out a sigh, his eyes running up and down on me, nodding his head in 'no' motion.

"My God, you look so good," Louis complimented me, gripping my waist with his other hand.

"You don't look so shabby yourself Tomlinson," I joked, placing a small kiss on his lips.

Louis led me outside, I quickly turned around, as he waited for me, I locked the door behind us. I whipped my head around at the sound of an engine running, his hand was still in mine, so how could the car have already been on?

I was shocked, Louis smiling at me, a Limo was waiting in front of us, a man stood holding the door open for us, giving us a big smile.

"You got us a Limo?" I asked shocked, he laughed, sending electric shocks through me. More butterflies grew inside of my stomach, my hand began sweating in his.

What the hell was the boy planning?

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