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"Yes, on accident. Now enough with the questions. I feel like I'm being interrogated." They all just nod simply letting it go.

"So, aren't you and your brother like famous." Dallas makes conversation, that alone brings a smile to my face. Sometimes I forget about that, what he and Grayson do. Ethan laughs a bit shaking his head no.

"I wouldn't call us famous. We're just youtubers." They always downplay it like there aren't four million people subscribed to them. That four million people who know who they are, personally I don't see how they handle that.. all that attention on them.

Dallas nods listening to Ethan before he himself continues.

"You look familiar... what's the channel name?"

"Uh Dolan Twins... just please don't play one of our videos in front me." He and Grayson get so awkward when people do that. Dallas' eyes widen and his jaw drops a little like he's having a realization. I'd be shocked if he watches them, like really shocked. He just doesn't seem like the type of person. Just from looking at him I feel like he's the type to watch sports videos or something.

"That's what it is, my younger sister loves you guys."
A little sister.. he hasn't told me about her yet. I pretend to look over dramatically shocked by this news. "You have a little sister? You strike me as a only child with how self absorbed you are." His head tilts to the side, and his brows furrow, he's seems almost perplexed.

"What?" I finally ask, all he's doing is starring at me, lost.

He looks side to side, his eyes narrowed, then back at me. "I'm just confused as to why you said it like that's a bad quality..." I can tell he's being genuine when he says it. I put on a stale smile nodding as I speak to him like a child. "Because Dallas... it is." One of his brows raise asking me with his face 'are you sure about that?' before just disregarding the whole thing.

"Wrong, you're completely wrong. Anyways, in some ways I am an only child. I see her when I'm living at my dad's place."

Ethan laughs at the way we go back and forth like kids bickering. "How old is she?" He asks before I get the chance to ask myself, we both give our attention to Dallas waiting for him to answer. His brows raise for just a second, shocked, then confused. Like he's not sure of something.

"She's eleven, maybe twelve. Like I said I don't really get to see her a lot so... where is that waiter?" His whole tone changes, it's clear he doesn't talk about her a lot. He looks at his drink, playing with the straw.

"Your parents, they're divorced?" I ask, I thought his dad lived with him. When we FaceTime there is a man at his house, a man he calls his dad same thing for his mom. I guess I just assumed. "And remarried..." There's a silence that falls over us, a cold awkward silence.

I speak up again, only to be cut off by him. "Wait so where's your dad-"

He scoots his chair back, getting up from the table.

"I have to pee." Is all he says before leaving. That wasn't intense or anything... I look back over at Ethan who just shrugs, he's just as confused as I am. I look at Xander next, maybe he knows what that was about.

"It's kind of a tough topic for him." Xander finally breaks the awkward silence. I nod, I don't really want to ask anymore questions, clearly I've already asked enough.

"Did something bad happen?" Ethan dares to ask exactly what I'm thinking "It's a lot, it's nothing too bad. Just family drama.." Xander shrugs it off.


We walk around the dimly lit sky, yet lit up city joking, talking, enjoying each other's company. It's rare that I get to do this nowadays.

Bestfriend's Brother. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant