Yes, he drank a sherbet with me but nothing happend with me.

Beyim, let me examine the bowl in which he drank sherbet. I will send it to Savçi in tribe. Irene told that when she went to see his father before sleeping he was drinking a sherbet too. She saw a bowl in his room and he drank some of it too. Maybe nothing was in sherbet maybe it was in the bowl. The bey bowl is different so it's easy and you were only two.

Halime! Go and find that bowl and examine it. This should remain secret between us.

As you order my bey.

Halime left.

Halime went into the kitchen and saw Zangoç cleaning the kitchen counter.

Welcome Halime Sultan, do you need anything?

Nothing. Just came to look at things. Zangoç! Do you know who gave the sherbet to Ertugrul Bey and Umur Bey?

No idea Halime Sultan, no one came in kitchen since the morning just the helpers and no one else. Why are you asking this?

Just for my knowledge, just preparing myself for everything. Where is the jug in which you made sherbet or maybe the bowls in which they presented them.

I don't know Halime Sultan! When Umur Bey got the heart attack. He dropped the bowl. The helpers must be cleaning it and the bowl must be there too.

Okay! Thank you so much. May it be easy.

May Allah give health to Umur Bey and may he recover soon.

Ameen. Ameen.

Halime left, Zangoç gave a weird smile.

A helper came. .

Have you cleaned the floor?

Yes Halime Hatun!

Where is the bowl?

We don't know Halime Hatun, the bowl is not there.

What do you mean by this? Where can a bowl go?

We don't know. The bowl was not there.

Okay! Don't mention anyone else about this.

As your order Halime Hatun!

Halime went to Ertugrul. Ilbilge was standing there.

Baba need rest! I will stay here with him. My soldiers will take care of him they are inside

Ilbilge left.

Beyim the bowl is not here. Helpers said that when they came to clean the floor the bowl was not there.

What does this mean? Someone took the bowl and hide it from us.

It looks like this Ertugrul. Someone did it intentionally. Something is wrong.

Abdul Rehman!

Call Bamsi and Gunduz.

Beyim Bamsi is here but Gunduz is not here and he is not in the tribe. He left the tribe but didn't reached Soğut.
What??? Halime got panicked. Where he left in this danger?

Abdul Rehman tell some alps to go and find him.

After some time

Halime let's go and look at Umur Bey.
Okay Bey!

Ertugrul and Halime were going towards the room but when they entered they saw Ilbilge standing with mouth open and in disbelief looking at her father. Two soldiers who were taking care of Umur Bey were also dead.

What happened here Ilbilge Hatun?

Ertugrul and Halime stepped forward and saw Umur Bey dead. Someone attacked him on his heart with dagger.

Ertugrul Bey!!!!! How can this happen??? In your caravansaray. In your Soğut. Someone came and killed my father!!!!

Ilbilge Hatun, I don't know when this happened and how but I will catch the killer very soon.

Ilbilge looked at the dagger which was lying on the floor on the side. She picked it up.

This dagger have blood on it and the mark of Kayi Tribe too. Who's dagger is this Ertugrul Bey!! The killer is from your own tribe!!!! You have kept traitors in your tribe!!! Tell me who's dagger is this??

Do anyone know who's dagger is this?

This... this is Gun.... Gunduz dagger Bey.

Are you sure about this Halime?

I'm more than sure bey.

Your own son is a killer!!! Your own son!!

Gunduz cannot do this but if have done this then you have all rights to take his head.

Abdul Rehman!

Where is Gunduz?

He is looking at trade. He came back few moments ago.

Call him!! I will investigate him.

Ertugrul Halime Season 5Where stories live. Discover now