Worse Thanks Giving

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Clay walks in with Adam in the house of his mothers, Thanks Giving is here Corpse cooked Dream keeps saying his lover did most of the work, but they both dis it together. There I laughter as they walk in, but one laugh was off, really off, sounds familiar acully. He walks in the kitchen to see his father. He walks out the kitchen before anyone sees him, his breathing quickened. Corpse pulls him out side "babe, you ok" "no, no, no I'm not. Fuck no im not" he looks at the car than back at the house "why is he here?" "Babe, who is he?" Clay looks at him "my dad". He takes in a deep breath "ok, um let's go in" he walks up to the door Corpse following behind. Walks in the kitchen the room looks at him and went silent. The mother and 2 sisters knew Clay and his dad never got along. Suddenly Dream feels a hugs on his waist, his eyes widen he looks down to see a little boy. "No" blond hair, an average of freckles, unlike Dream, drown eyes like mist people. Clay smiles "you're me brother Clay!" The kid said with such enthusiasm. Dream lifts the kid in his arms "David!" He yells hugging him "you were a baby the last time I saw you" he laughs "and the first" David says. They laughed, their laughs are similar, but Clay's is more wheezing than David is more taking in air. "Guess how old I am!" "Mh, let me think you should be 6" the boy jumps slightly in Clay's arms "you're right how did you know!" "I remember your birthday" the kid almost looks like he was going to cry "I wish I met you sooner!" He says hugging around Dream's neck "I wish that too". "Than I didn't you visit sooner Clay" the dad says bitter and sarcasm in his voice. Heavy was in the room when he said that, but the mom was quick "Clay wait do you and David spend time together in the living room" Dream nods "Ok!" David says with a smile on his face. Corpse was going to follow back was called "Adam!" He look to see the mom waving at him to join her in the hallway. He walks up to her and follows "please, keep him and the dad away" "not to sound rude, but why did you invite if they are going to be away from each other?" "No, fine. They never got along and well David is the only reason why that man is here. Hes the youngest brother and I thought that would make the 3 kids I see the most, happy to see there youngest sibling" Corpse smiles and looks in the kitchen he sees the dad making him smile folter "should I tell him Clay and I are a thing?" "If I was you I would be scared, but at the end I would. The other thing is would Clay want that" "not he wouldn't, I'll- I'll just say friend" she nods "ok".
     They walk back in the kitchen the girls are talking to the dad, he turns his head to look straight at me. My body tense up "so what's your name their" "uh, Adam" he clears his throat "Adam, sir" "so what are you to Clay" he says his eyes narrowing "a friend". Fuck, it hurt to say friend, he was his lover they are going to get married and to say frineds just hurt. "so not family, why are you here?" The mom walks closer to the ex husband "Clay wanted to invite his friend so he did" the man looks at her "I thought thanks giving is family thing only" she looked a bit upset by the mans words "things change your going to have to go with it" and walks to go back to cooking. What made Corpse mad is he is family he is married to this pricks son and he can't do anything about it. He look back at me "any sports, weightlifting" "I use to go to the gym" "what happened?" "I got a condition that hurt my bones you can say" 'for an idiot like you' he said in his head. "Hm, excuses. Girls! How about that story you wanted to finish" 'what the fuck' Corpse thought. The ex husband whispered excuses under his breath and just goes back to talking to his daughter. Adam does not like this man, what convinced this woman to have 4 kids with this man. He walks away and in the living room with David and Clay. Their talking about school. He sits down on the sofa on the other end of it. Looks at Clay, the dirty blond mans smile makes his eyes close partly, his teeth showing. Corpse just smiles, he is happy to see David the mother is right about that, and how him and his father are not close.
     They all ate and talked, but Dream was the most silent. Only time he talked was to answer questions or he just talked to David, he still barley answers his mom or other siblings especially the dad he would ignore him. "Hey, David" the boy looked at his dad "ask Clay about the fishing trip since he wont answer me" the boy needs and looks back at his older brother "what fishing trip did you do with dad?" He says excited. Clay looks up at the dad than at his little brother "we, um went fishing" "but what happend caught any fish?" Dream puts his fork down "uh, no I didn't. Dad and his frineds did" "cool, how big" he looks back at his dad and stares "they weren't that big they only cause 3 small ones out of 4 men. I didnt even catch one" he says with a smile "he, didn't even get one!" The boy look at his father "you must be bad at fishing" Clay chuckled as others laughed as well. "Remember when you lost balance and fell in the water Clay" Clay's smile fell. He got up abruptly and walked out side to the car. Corpse got up and followed "Clay?" They got out side Dream opens the door walked in the passenger seat and just sat there. "Babe, What's wrong?" "Him that's what's wrong! That man I call my father!" Adam has the passenger door open as he stands there and talks to his lover "I fucking can't, I didnt loose my balance and knows it!" Corpse looks at him confused "what happend? what do you mean?". Clay sat in silents "he pushed me and let me drown since I didnt know how to swim yet"

   Little Clay was walking to the cooler to get beer that his dad and his frineds asked for and came back. He hands them their beer and walks up to the edge of the dock and sat down. "So what up with your son he does seem much like you" the man whisper to the father of Clay "yeah, bet he comes out as a fag" Clay could hear all of what they are saying but does nothing. "Yeah, most liking" "can he even swim?" The dad shakes his head no. He gets up and taps on the guys shoulder to let their eyes follow him. He goes up to his son and sits next to him. "Hey, son" "hey, da-ahh!" The dad pushes Clay in the water. "Swim, son swim!" He says with laughter. The sound of panic and arms hitting water was heard, but nothing was louder the the mens laughter. "Dad! Dad, please!" "Maybe learn to be a man" Clay moved his best to the thick wooden poll that holds the dock up. His showing skin getting cuts from the barnacles the cover the wood in the water. Clay holds on to dear life, he doesn't even care the fact the barnacles are cutting into his skin. He ties to move to the next poll to the next, he slipped off the 3rd one. The wave taking him pushing and pulling him, until the waves pushed him on land. He lays there, all the men just looking from far away. Suddenly a cough comes from the little boy "wow, I'm impressed" one of the guys say "same" the father smiles. The boy sits, his back hunched over silents tears falling down "why, me.." he whipsers as he tries to wipe the tears away.

     Dream, just sits there his head down "I just want to leave, please" Adam kneels down "what about your mom and sister, or the bother you finally get to see?" Clay looks away "it's, it's to much anyway to handle at much, they'll understand. Please, let's go home. Corpse sands up moves his hand to the back of Clay's head and pushed it to, kiss his head, he let's go moves to the driver's seat. He pulls his phone out and texts Clay's mom.

You: Clay wants to go

You: so we'll be going tell everyone thank you and I want to thank you

Mom Dream: I am surprised he did not leave a long time ago. You're welcome, but I am upset your first Thanks Giving with us did not go as I planned.

You: it's fine I had fun while I was there

You: have a good day

Mom Dream: I'll do my best with this man around it maybe hard. David will be upset, but I doubt they won't see each other again.

     Corpse smiles at the end text, I bets David and Clay will see each other again, soon too. They drive off home, Clay go to the room takes his shirt and pants off, gets in bed and just lays down under the cover. All he cant think out is his dad, or by blood dad.

1649 words

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