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After people finding out about Corpse and Dream dating they were getting a lot of tweets, but Dream got a few special ones. Hate. He got hate tweets like.

How does a man like Corpse want to be with some living with mom minecraft YouTuber.

Such a perfect man like Corpse being with this person is not right.

This should not even have happened.

What did Corpse see in Dream.

Why did Corpse choose Dream. Hes not even that great.

I like Dream, but someone actually falling in love with Dream and its Corpse shouldn't be a thing.

     There is more; there is always more. Lots repeats, but also a lot of different worse ones. Clay stayed quiet he wouldn't tell Adam it's not a big deal there just words, there just tweets. He gets hate like this all the time, yet these hurt the most. Why did they hurt so much.
     Clay was laying in bed Corpse laying next to him asleep, his breath visible even in the dark. Dream layes on his side just looking a his boyfriend. What made Adam choose him, why did he, how. 'Corpse has gone through so, much more than me. Oh, well... no he has. It's just my fucking dad' Clay thinks. He moves on to his back of frustration, covers his face with his hands. After more thoughs, Clay gets up quietly. Dandelion follows him while the other 2 stay. He leaves the room to his recoding room, sits down and starts playing minecraft live on Twitch. Everything was fine, was all handy dandy, until he got one comment.

Why in the heck did Corpse choose you
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     He went silent, than other people fought back saying.

Because he did

Corpse chose him because he saw something in Dream that you just can see



    And ect. It felt nice people fight for him, but because of that one tweet he got more haters.

What did this man see in him

Bet Dream is using him

Corpse must feel maybe pity or something

Maybe forces we may never know

     Fuck, fuck. Dream handles haters why can he handle these haters. There is absolute silents from Clay. The comments was on auto, so the computer reads it to him. Words, sounds stuck in his throat, not from crying, not from a ball of snoth stuck in his throat, he just cant talk. Not even sounds of crying can even leave him. He didn't know what to say, what could he even say it wont even come out, even if he thought of something. The last time he left this was the last time he saw his dad.
     Clay felt a hand on his shoulder, he jumps, but no sound comes out. He turns to see Corpse "Clay?" 'Fuck, fuck' is all Dream could think "what wrong?". Corpse looks up at the 1st monitor to see minecraft than 2nd to see the comments. He sees something out of place on the 2nd one, to read the hate comments. He eyes widen "Clay, how long?" Clay looks away. Comments still going in his ears, Corpse takes Clay's headphones off and put then on "I chose Dream for for my reasons and they are not fake. Dream is my boyfriend and I'm teeling you now leave him the fuck alone haters, just because you can have me" he takes the headphones turns off stream, leaves minecraft and grabs Clay. "Clay, can you talk" the man had dry tears on him, he looks down at his boyfriend and shakes his head no "ok, but you hear what in saying that's good. Let's go to bed ok" Clay nods. Dream was holding on to Adam like his life depended on it, as they got to the room and as the lay down Clay would not let go of his boyfriend. As they lay under the blanket and Corpse hold him back, the older mans face on the dirty blond hair talks "breath Clay stop holding your breath" Clay takes in a deep breath, he hadn't even realized he was holding his breath. "4 in, 6 hold, 8 out, ok" Dream in exactly that. He inhaled for 4 seconds, hold for 6, and exhaled 8, over and over. Dream quivered when he let out the last breath "Adam?" "Yes Clay" "thank you" Corpse let's out a small sigh "it's fine, but why didnt you tell me?" "I-I.... I dont know. Why did you choose me" Corpse went silent for a moment "I dont know, but the thought of being with you... was just one of the best thoughts I could ever have" Dream chuckles "that's so cheesy, but nice to know" "because you started believing them" "yeah, I did. I'm so used to hate, why is this hurting me?" "Because you're used to relationships being one sided for you, now it's both. You're just not used to that so you believe what you experienced" Clay sighs "you are such a wise boyfriend" "while you have more commences and big brain" Dream smiles he looks up at his boyfriend that is the big spoon for the night (they go back forth, but Corpse prefers little spoon more comfy) "I love you" Adam looks down, he moves his hand to Clay's forehead to pull his hair back and kiss his forehead "I love you too Clay"

900 words

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       After this book I'll be making a second book that is CorpseAwaken, it will be shorter after that I will take a small break. Before I do I'm make a side ONESHOT book please send request and I'll get to them.

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