At a Different House this Time

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It's late Dream is at the airport waiting for Corpse, he stands at the entrance waiting. Than he see him someone is helping him carry a few things. 2 cages, as Corpse is rolling his suitcase. Corpse stands in front of Clay "I hate flights, I hate being so high above the ground" Clay laughs "man same, but I hope it wasn't to bad" Corpse shakes his head "naw, I'm good". Corpse looks at the woman helping him carry the cages with his cats  "gracias" she nods back "de nada" and walks away. "Bingus, Dandelion! I miss you guys. Here let me help Carry the cages" Clay grab the cages "thanks". Dream helps carry the cages to the car and get to the house; as the talkes the whole way there.
      Making it to the house, he opens the door "Play!" The 2 hear "You're Corpse! Oh, Play talks about you all the time!" Clay?s face turns red "I talk about all my friends all the time" "nooooo, Cllllaaaay. You know wh-" "oh, Clay your back" Clay's mom put her hand on Drista before she could keep talking, pulls her away before she finished her sentence. "thanks mom" Dream whispers; She nods and looks at Corpse "you must be my Clay's friend" "yes ma'am, but if you want to feel more comfortable- I- I can tell you my na-" "no, no if you feel more comfortable you dont have to, Corpse" Corpse smiles and nods at her. "Here, let me show you your room" Corpses looks at Clay; follows him to the guest room. Clay said at some point it was his older sister's room, but now it's the guest room. Corpse walks in and set his luggage on the bed, Clay sets the cages on a well. They open the Cages to let the cats out "oh, wait here" Clay runs off and comes back with his little darling cat Patches "you think that's a good idea" "I know mine will be chill and you said yours will be chill let's see" Corpse was nervous, but he let Clay put the cat on the bed. Bingus walks up to Dreams cat, she slightly backs away, gets shes fine. Dandelion doesn't move from in the cage "here let me get them food and water" "thanks, Dream" he wanted to as Clay, but the thought of saying it feels weird. Dream leaves the room. Corpse put the cages on the floor even while Jet black was still in it. The dirty blond comes back with the food and water. Bingus was quick, while the other cat was still trying to get used to the new environment. Dream leaves it there just in case they want to get it at any point. "So, what do you think" Corpse looks around the room "nice and simple" Clay laughs "good, meet me in the kitchen once you're done, ok" Corpse nods. Dream leaves the room with both his own cat following and Clay's cat. He looks down at his jet black color cat "man. He is the cat whisper, even you're nice to him".
      Dream walks in the kitchen for Corpse, his sister goes up to him "hey, big bro. So, how is everything" "dont you dare say a word" she puts her hands up "no, no won't. But please do tell, how long" Clay rolls his eyes "2 wee-" "hey" both brother and sister turn to see the man himself "speak of the devil" Dream turns to look at her; her smug face show to proudly. "Let's go, Corpse I got a place we can go to" he says a bit loud as he looks at his sister, with a glare. He walks away with Corpse following "have fun you 2" she waves, until the door closed.
      They get in the car to leave, on the way there Dream and Corpse talked, but it was simple talks that would end fast, yet the silents never bothered them. They leave the car and walked into a place Corpse recognizes "Bao" he whispers "yeah, I found one here and thought we should get Boba, like you did for me on the first day" Corpse looks up at Clay "sounds great" they walk in, get food and their boba. As Corpse ate his food, Dream kept looking up at Corpse, looks at him, just peaks, little looks. He cant help himself, Corpse is just so "Dream, what's the plan" Dream was interrupted by his thoughts.  He looks at Corpse confused "what?" "What, the, plan" "oh, yeah, right. They mall is near here so, that next" the man across nods.
      They walk around the mall, looking around, got a few things, laughed, got scared at some moments (Corpse mostly did). As they sit in the Dream said what tomorrow plan was "skating" "not, again" "oh, come it was not bad they last and first time we did it together" together, together, together, together; god that sound great saying out loud for Clay. Talking about him and Corpse, saying together it was so, nice. "Sure, fine. You're lucky Dream" Clay smiles "yes, yes I am". They made it home and played Playstation with Clay's sister, until night. Corpse cats stayed with him and Clay always has his cat with him.

887 words

What should Corpse real name be

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