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  Neither Corpse or Dream got sleep last night, you cant tell they were tired. Its 1045 when Adam finally leaves the room and 1102 when Clay does as well. "you 2 look like you didnt get sleep" the mother comments on. Dream looks at his sister "I guys neither of us got any sleep?" Corpse nods at Dream question. "Did you know when you cant sleep it means someone is thinking about you" the mother says as she walks in. "That means we shouldn't be sleeping since people think about us everyday and night" "well, there is a little bit of info people dont know about that saying. It has to be someone that actually met you or know how you look like. But it's an old saying". "Who could be thinking of us all night" once the sentence left Clay, both of the boys got nervous. Both of them were thinking of each other all night, but the other doesn't know that. They sit down faces tinted red "how about you guys?" Corpse asks "I slept great" the mom answers. "At least 2 out of 4 sleep nicely. Show off" Dream comments making everyone chuckle. Dream and Corpse are eating later for Dream its ate late, again. As they were eating Drista asked "what are you guys doing today?" Clay looked up than at Corpe, Adam was looking at him, everyone was looking at Dream. He swallows the rest of the food in his mouth "I'm not sure". The mother sighs "you really need to plan ahead" Adam laughs "yeah, plan ahead Dream" Clay turns to him "you cant says anything" "hey, I was expecting better from you" Dream glares at Adam angrily, while Corpse just smirks. They spent most of the time in the house, until Drista got back "hows was you guys day?" "We didnt do anything because someone didnt plan ahead of time" Corpse says quickly before Clay could say anything. "Hey, stop that!" Dream says "Well, there is an art festival in the outside mall" Drista says "I would like to see the art stuff" Dream looks at his sister "that's not bad. Plus I bet not mean people would be there because of everything" "sounds like a plan" Corpse says smiling. "Nice" Drista and Clay say at the same time.
     They were wrong, there is a lot more people than expected. "Why, it like all of the Disney people came here" Dream comments. "You still good with this Corpse" he says look at him. He nods. The walk in with Drista "you can do what ever you want, but if you need money just call me" she smiles "ok" and runs off. Adam and Clay walk another direction, as they looked around, Dream saw a pericles painting he might want "hey, follow me. This way" he point, Corpse follows behind. Once made it Adam realized why their there it's a painting of Corpse. Adam started getting nervous "how much is that painting" Clay was pointing at the one he wants "120" Clay smiles. He can afford that. That we saw a smaller form "what about that" he says as he point at the smaller canvas "99" "I'll take it!" He says. The painter puts it in a bag and walks away with the really Corpse. As they keep walking Corpse saw cat figures, but are make out of cat, it looks beautiful. They walk up to the table "you want one?" Dream asks "to expense, I need to save money" the man says droops "here" Clay grabs a green and black one "how much?" "Buy 2 get a and it will be 120, plus the green and black one you have, the tails will connect perfectly". "PURfect!" Dream cheers "dont even, also the pun was terrible" clay frowns at Adam "I cant hear you" he looks back at ar the person that made the glass cats, handers the person the money. They packed it up so it wont brake and handed it to Dream. Dream had 3 boxes now he gave the green cat and the peaches color cat to him "you're welcome" and walks off making Corpse panic and follow him. After a few mins of walking Clay gets a call from his sister "I dont have enough money" she cries "dont worry, I got you. Where are you?" Drista explains the best she can where she is. The 2 men start walking there. Corpse looks around, he stops to see a stan that had more cool cat stuff, he stops for a moment, just a moment and lost Clay. He turn to look back were he thought the man was, he look other directions "fuck" he says under his breath. Clay is no where to be found. Corpse pulls his phone out to see Clay is calling him before Adam could "where are you" he asks in a hurry "I, um" Corpse looks around tries to explain where he is, but it's not working out. Dream got really tried of getting wrong directions, a wall, not far from the ground, but tall enough to give him a bit of trouble. He gets up on it and looks around "hey, turn to look at in between coldstone and the melting pot" the man turns hes look,  but cant see him, but Dream sees him clearly. He hangs up the phone and calls "Adam!" As loud and clear. Corpse looks his direction, Clay waves and calls again "Adam!" Corpse looks up and sees him. His skips a beat as his eyes widen when he sees him. Clay!" He yells back as he starts going his direction and up to the wall. Dream heard his name being call by Corpse, his face turns a little red and smile. He gets off the wall "I'm sorry, I must have walked to far" "no, I got distracted. I'm still wonder how I lost a tall man like you" Clay laughs at Adam joke. They walked again, this time Corpse kept an eye on Clay, yet his mind was somewhere else. He said his name, his real name, it was nice to hear his name, come from Clay, only Clay. Finally they got to Drista, she got what she wanted, but Dream and Corpse are so ready to leave. To many people. Dream looks at the time 558 "yeah, Drista let's go and something to eat, out of here" "aw, ok" they walk out, got something to eat and went home. Corpse and Dream lays on the sofa, "how was it boys?" They look up to see Clay's mom. "To many people" Dream says, as Corpse nods in agreement. "Hm you expect not many to go" "yeah, it was like Disney when they have the festival's" Drista says as she enters the livingroom. The 2 went to bed early (800) this time, but Dream and Corpse couldn't sleep.
     Corpse lays in bed he couldn't sleep, but it was not the constant thought of Clay. Maybe someone was thinking of him "yeah, right" Corpse chuckles "it's just a saying. Anyway who could be thinking of me".
     Dream is on his computer, his mind more on the Dream SMP, not Corpes strange enough not Corpes. And he couldn't sleep either.

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