Theeth Tell the Truth

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After a year goes by he still playing games with Corpse, in the Dream SMP he visits him, when playing Among Us they play together.
    Dream needed his wisdom teeth to be removed, after the surgery he wakes up. As Dream opens his eyes, he sits up "ah" he touches his cheek "ha, chubby bunny cheeks" he laughs out. "Hmmm" he groans as he leans forward to realized hes not flexible enough to fall forward sitting "oh, pain". "You ok Clay" the mom asked as Drista records "yeeeees, mhhhh, no" "what?" "Nooooo" he says falling back "I want to seeee, hiiim" "him?" "Cooorrpse!" He says raising his hands in excitment "yes! Yyes! Him!". The mom and sister shrug as they look at each other. Mom grabs Clay's phone and hands it to him "here"  he grabs the phone, but falls out of his hands and on the bed, Dream grabs it again and puts his password. The phone opens, he goes to discord and goes the Corpse.
    Corpse looks at his second screen on discord Dream is calling, the man is so confused, but answers it anyways "Cooooorpssseyyyy! You answered!" "Is that" Dream Jack asks "corpsey you answered" "Dream what are you doing, I'm live stream" "he sounds drunk" sykunno says "Dream is drunk calling!" Toast says. "The wisdom of my teeth were so wiiiise, age got the bed of my teeth" he says "900 you turn this good you would not look" he says trying a Yoda voice. "He got his wisdom teeth removed, is what hes trying to say" Valkyrae says as he laughs. A sudden wheeze came from Dream "yeessssss" he laughs out "it is, wes, was?". Corpse laughs "guys let's me stop, so I can deal with a high Dream Awaken" "awwww" everyone says in unison "dawm we were hoping for more high Dream" Jack cries "#highDream" 5up says. He leaves the game to the main screen and leaves the call. "Dream you still there" "yeeees, but I'm in a car now, going vroom vroom" Corpse laughs "oh my god" "Cooooorrpse guess what tomorrow is" "what is it?" "I said guess!" "Hm your birthday" "noooo, tomorrow is the day we first met" "oohhh, you remeber?" "I cant forget it" Corpse chuckles. The was a few seconds of silence before Dream says "I miss you" he started to hear sniffles 'what' Corpse thought. He hears his mom asks what's wrong, Dream yells "I miss Coooorpseyyyyy!" More cries came out. Dream hugs the phone "I miss you" 'holly shit' Corpse heart beat started to move faster. "Dream, hey, it's ok. I can visit you again" there was silents "do you miss me?" Fuck "yeah, Dream I do" Corpse face turns red, his heart is beating so fast "that's good to hear, because I wish I could see you again" fuck fuck fuck fuck "we can you can come over this time or I can go over to where you are. Most likely you'll forget all of this, but that's ok" he said Whispering the last sentence.
    Dream made it to the house Corpse still on the phone, "Clay you should" Drista says "but, I'm not tired" he groans out "at least lay down" the mother says. Dream groans and walks to his room (with help), plops on his bed. Takes his shoes off, his shirt, switch his Jean's for sweat pants, and gets under the bed. He grab his phone, "patches is going to be in here" the mother says "ooook" Clay sings, she close the door. He looks at the phone "yooou still there" "yes, I am" Clay smiles "good, good" The dirty blond yawns "not tired hm" "mmmmhh, don't bully mee" Corpse chuckles. "Corpse" "yes" Dream moves on his side facing the phone next to him "I love you, you're such a good person" heart started to raise again "I dont understand how you stay so kind even though so much bad has happened to you. You deserve all the "I love yous" around the world. So, much" Corpse could not telling it was a love confection or not. "Good night Corpse" "night Dream" he chuckles because it's not night time yet. He doesn't exist discord he stays on, but just not on his screen. Corpse froze his live stream is still going "shit, fuck no" he starts to panic he  canves in himself "shit, shit" the chat noticed is distress. He looks up to close it to see what the chat was saying.

It's ok
It's good tou have a good friend
Were glad you and Dream are getting along
It's nice you trust someone
You have such good frineds
It's ok Corpse "I love you
Love you
Love you
Love you
Drean is so nice to you
Love you
He so nice
Dream is really god to you isn't he

      Corpse starts to calm down "he is, Dream has been really good to me, his whole family has" he takes in deep breaths. "Thanks chat, I love you too. I'm going to join back in Among Us".
      The group that is still playing Among Us was wondering what was taking Corpse so, long. Karl went to his YouTube channel to see his is still streaming. "Guys, he is still Streaming, se should see what's up" "wait, do you really think this is a good idea" jack says "no, but he is stream this to millions of people so, what the difference" Valkyrae says "I agree with both" Toast says "but I really want to see more than anything. They all go to see what was up, to hear the whole thing. All of them were freaking out, once it ended and hear Corpse was going back on the leave and kept going.
      "I'm back" they all hear "hey, Corpse!" Jack says cheerfully "what took you so long?" Felix asks "Dream wouldn't hang up, until he finally fell asleep" "I can't" Karl says "love you Corpse" "shit same, love you As well Corpse" Jack joins so did the others. "No, you guys didn't" Corpse eyes widen "we couldn't resist ourself" Valkyrae says "yeah, I'm sorry, Corpse we knew it was a bad Idea" "no, it's fine. I did forget to stop the stream" Corpse says face red "it was cute though" Karl says "you guys would be a perfect power couple" Felix added on.
      They kept playing for an hour more until it ended. Corpse goes on twitter to see on twitter in second most tweeted on twitter is #CorpseAwaken, he face turns red again. He goes through the art and is Twitter notification has blown up of the Twittes. He puts his phone down "shit Dream is going to see this". Corpse goes to the living room, but twitter is on his mind the pictures, they were cute. He goes back on and looks though them, hes scrolling and going and going. He some how made it to the end and it's dark out, "I-I wont be able to sleep" he gets up to go to this recording office and sits on the chair. He sees he left discord on with Dream. He huffs out a sigh "I'm forgetting to much shit today" before he closes the call he wants to know if he could hear his breathing. He gets close to the computer speaker, he can, but it's so light, so quiet. Corpse puts his hand on his hair and pulls it back with a sigh "I need to stop simping" he ends the call gets up and leaves his office to go to his room. He tries his best to sleep.
      Dream walks up its 334 AM he checks his  phone the battery level is 13, but what really caught his attention was his Twitter. He gets off bed to charge his phone as he goes though Twitter. His face redden to find the video "no, no, no, no, shit" he face hot. He doesn't know what to do, if people find out if he finds out, "this cant be happening, I can never talk to him again. Never see him, shit" suddenly Dream is getting a call its George "Dream, I saw you discord was on and just had to ask. What possessed your high as mind to call Corpse?" George knows Clay's cruch or love, his simping on Adam "I-I dont know, some times when you drunk or high the truth comes out" George sighs "you need to talk to him "no, nononono" Dream begged at this point "you cant just end you're guys friendship out of nowhere. It will hurt him and you. He actually likes being frineds with you hell it seems he may have a crush on you!" George started to yell "that impossible his straight. I'm bi". He cant hes straight all Dream can do is simp because he'll never have him. "Dream, you have to say something" "only if he calls me or asked me to play games" Dream got a second call, he looks to see the username "no, fucking way" Dream says "wait, is that? Bye have fun!" George hangs up. Dream takes a deep breath  and answers the call. "Hey, Clay I saw you were on. How are you doing?" Dream's heart beat speed up by his name being said. "Oh, good. Thanks for checking up on me Adam" Corpse face turns red. There is silents neither of them now what to say. Corpse takes a deep breath in "Hey-" "I'm-" the tried saying at the same time "oh, sorry" Dream said quickly. They chuckle at them self's "I'm sorry, I didnt stop the recording" Clay's back went straight "oh no, it's fine Adam. I was high". No, Corpse really wanted to know he needed to know was it real or was he friends zoned his he just some homie that is just stuck in Clay's friend web. He needs to know. "Did you know when you're drunk or high the truth comes out" Dream starts to panic "that's just things people say". Avoiding. "Yeah, I guess, but it has been proven" "w-where dis you get this" "I have read in MANY websites" he says (enffonzing) on the "many" part. "Come on that- that, um" fuck, fuck "I'm sorry, so say this Clay, but you cant run. Unless you want to stop talking to me" holly shit. Dream's eyes widen hes not going there, he cant be going there. "Fuck, fuck Adam you are really pulling this out of me are you?" "Please answer me this" Dream takes a deep breath "did, did you mean it, truly meaning when you said "I love you"?" Yes, yes he did he ment every bit of it "y-yes, I did. I love you so fucking much" a quivered laugh leaves Corpse "hm" "I know you dont like me-" "how would you know that" Corpse quickly interrupts "your straight you've said this live to millions of people. Everyone knows..." Corpse leans back has his chair l, so does Dream "I may have been wrong?" Clay eyes widen "no, no, you wrong. Dont do this" Clay gets close to the screen. "Clay" "dont fuck with me" Clay says with a quiver, a lump starts forming in his throat "that wrong" "Clay I would never mess with you like this!" Corpse voices raises with panic as he leans close to his computer "no, no you're wrong. I'm just a man that simps because I know, no one will love me in- in that way. Never has never will!" Clay closes his eyes "Clay!" Dream ends the call. He leans on his desk "fuck, what did I just do!"

1944 words

   Hey, hey! Please read I have a good thing you may want to hear about
   I am coming out with a new book about Corpse and Dream. Warning this has more graphic gore, death, suicide, gay. Still shipping CorpseAwaken.

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