A fun day, like a family

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     The next morning Corpse is awake by 7, its strange because he usually wakes up early, this is nothing compared to the time he usually wakes up at. He gets up, his cats follow him even the black one. As he leaves the room, he sees the mother and sister, but no Clay. "Morning!" The girl said with a smile on her face "good, morning" the mother said, but calmer "um, morning" the mother chuckles "you're not used to people in the morning are you" "no ma'am" "I could tell. Are you hungry, I have not made breakfast yet, but I can if you want" "um, no thank you. Not yet. Where's Dream" Dream, Clay "Clay, I mean Clay" they laugh "you dont have say his name if you dont want to, we know who Dream is" Corpse face turns red "oh, ok". "Here sit" she points at the seat on the stool that's under the counter outside the kitchen. He walks over and sits next to Drista "Clay has never been the early bird type, especially since he has trouble sleeping. He should be up by 9 or 10 some time 11 or 12 or later depends, so you can wake him up or we eat with out him" "hm" is all Corpse could say "I have to go to school in a few so, I'll be going to the bus stop" she says getting off the chair to grad he stuff. Be for she leaves she looks at Corpes "Hey, Corpse" Clay's sister says "yeah" he answers back. "Why, did you ask to come over?" why, why, why did he? Hes not sure. He just wanted to? He wanted to see him? He wanted to see his life? His house? He's unsure. He looks down at Drista "I'm not sure" she smiles "ok" and leaves.
    They waited until 9, they were hungry and couldn't wait longer Corprs help make food and they ate. It became 10, Clay leaves his room sweet pants and not shirt on as Patches follows him "morning" he says he voice raspy and light. Walks to a cabinet, gets a cup to get some water. As he drinks he looks at Corpse "shit, I mean crap. Corpse! I'm so sorry, I forgot about you!" Corpse just laughs "Dream, it's fine sleep is important". There is one thing Corpse has noticed about Clay, he is one skinny ass man. "Clay, food in in the oven" "thanks, mom" he grabs the food to start eating, once done he gets up and rushes around the house. He grabs a towel and hands it to Corpse "the bathroom in between mine and Drista room, ok" Corpse nods "if you want my soap is pure mint on the bottle is white with a blur stripe that says Pure Mint Soap" Corpse chuckles "sounds fancy" "oh, Corpse you dont understand, its actually nice and the smell of mint says for a bit" Corpse laughs. He walks away to the bathroom and closes the door.
    Dream got his clothing ready "Clay!" His mom calls "coming" he runs out the room to see his mom standing. "I need you to know, um, you were shirtless the whole time" "..." Dreams face turned so red "I didn't even noticed!" "Yeah, I could tell. Well, there is no reason to get one now" "oh my god" he covers his face from embarrassment. Corpse walks in the room, with a shirt that says "magical motherfucker" with a unicorn in the center. A burst of laughter came from Clay and even the mom liked the shirt. "*wheeze* oh! My...! Gooo *wheeze* ooood!" His embarrassment went away until he finally calmed down, realization struck and he left quickly.
    Corpse turns to the mom "you guys really like the shirt" chuckles still escaping  the mom as she talks "yes, yes we do. Oh my goodness". Corpse, smiles- 'this family is amazing, there so much fun, and kind, no wonder Clay is great' Corpse thought. Corpse looks at the mom "you'll be joining" "yes, I hope you dont mind" she says concerned "no, of course not, I'm just surprised. That's all" "ok" she nods with a smile 'shes so understanding' he thinks.
    Dream leaves the bathroom, the 3 had to wait because Drista wasn't to join its 1130. She leaves schools at 330. They just spent the time in the house and waited, until school ends to pick her up and go. The time finally came and they got her. As they enter there is a short line, to make time pace they all started talked to and Corpse was usually in the center of most of the conversations. As the enter after Dream paying, they got there skates and went for it. Corpse takes a slow step and enters the ring holding the hall like last time. "Hey!" A voice called out, Corpse turns to see who it is- Clay. He goes up to Corpse and enter the ring, already looking flawless in Corpse eyes. "Here give me your hands" Corpse laughs thinking about the last he did that in the ring. He lightly pulls Corpse. Making the man move forward they were skating, but something was wrong with the way Clay was skating. What is it? Corpse cant seembto fine out. He was facing him as the other man did, how was he facing him? There, that was what's wrong ot more amazing. "You're skating backwards?" "Took you long enough to realize" Corpse eyes widen. He was about to look down "no, no, dont it's ok, it's, ok" Corpse stop him self from looking down and just keeps going. Starring into his emerald eyes, his freckles peeking out from the mask, dark dirty blond hair. He is just beautiful. "Clay" Dream takes in a small gasp of air "yes..." Corpse has no clue what he is about to say, he doesn't even know how he feels, but he know he wants to say something. "... I" suddenly Corpse body was pushed forward "Oh, sorry!" Is all the hear as Dream tries to stay balanced while Corpse is slighty on him. Luckily (or not) they got into balance again "I'm so sorry! I'm still trying to skate backwards like Clay!" She says with such plead "oh  It fine Drista, it's fine" for Clay it really was, he was not ready for what he may have heard. "Have you been skating for a while now Drista" she smiles "not until Clay came back from your place, he started skating almost every day" Dreams face turned red quick "than he started skating backwards to im" "Drista!" The mother calls "stop bothering them!" She got closer so she wont yell "come let's them skate in peace" the mom smile at her son as she skates away. "H-Hey, let's get some drinks, I'm a bit thirst, what about you" Corpse looks up at Clay the taller boys face is red "yeah, That sounds good". The skate out of the ring and got some drinks. Corpse looks around as he sits and sees a lazertag area "hey, Dream" Clay looks at Corpse "hm?" "There is a lazertag want to do it" Clay smiles "you are on". They enter the place the girl got them set up for 1 v. 1. Before for they enter they look st each other "you are going done Corpse" "you talk big for a blondy" "3"  the girl says "I'll make you eat those words" "2" comes the second count "and I'll make you eat my lazers" "1" they run in Corpse got the first shot "shit" Dream curses. He runs behind a hall; Corpse on the other hand was walking around. Dream sent to wall to wall and got Corpse "fuck!" The man turns and sees Clay run, he aims and fires "fuck" he almost got him. They kept shoot they get each other than won't, not realizing time is going by; they just kept going. Corpse falls "fuck!" He yells. As he lays down and takes his breath, Clay runs in "you good!" "Yeah" Clay helps Corpse get up. Once up they aims at each other and shot the perfect shot getting each other at the same time. Clay's phone buzzes "wait a moment" he pulls his phone

Mom: where are you

Me: lazertag

Mom: you have been in ther for an hour

Me: oh I didnt know

Mom: it's ok I just wanted to know you and your friend is ok

Me: thanks mom

"What happened" Clay puts his phone away as he look up "we've been here for an hour" "holly shit!" "I know!" "Its almost time to go, want to keep going". Corpse think about, he pulls his gun up and shot getting Clay "no, that unfair" Corpse runs "life is not fair!".
     30 minutes go back, Dream phone goes off "pause, I'm getting a text" Corpse holds his gun down

Mom: come on it's getting dark and we should eat out

Me: ok, coming out

"Corpse we're leaving to get food! No, shooting!" Corpse walk to where Clay is hand up in air with the gun hanging "ok" Clay starts laughing. They walk out to look at the scores

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"No way" Dream says "we couldn't have tied" Corpse finishes. "Yes. You guys did. I was watching, so far as long I have worked here this. Has been the best game I've seen". Corpse looks at her "why did you let us play that long" "not many come here and it looked like you guys were having fun" she says shrugging her shoulders. "Do you record everything all day?" Clay asks "I may or may not be able to give it to I'll ask the boss. Come by on Wednesday that when the boss come here" "Thank you, so much!" "No, problem" they walk out to get in the car to eat out. They went to "Red Lobster" (Red Lobster biscuits) sitting down and eating with or as a family made Corpse heart beat, so much faster. Clay next his the mother across from him as the sister sits next to her. He looks at them as they talk, his eyes land on Clay. A smile on his face as a small chuckle leaves him, maybe from a joke, or a funny memory. Corpse doesn't know what, but he knows it make him smile. "Hey" he hears the small, yet loud voice say. He looks down at her "yeah, what is it?" He asks "what about your family?"  "My family?" He whispers. "Yeah!" "Um, I have a sister, my mom, and well I never met my dad" "oh, man. I'm sorry" "no, it fine. I love my sister, she is sweet, well when she want to be" he says with a little laughter around the sentence.
     They make it back to the house it's dark and everyone was tired after all the skating. Everyone says there good nights and sleep.

    1828 words

Can you give me advice for what Corpse name maybe

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