Gone Again

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They get up to leave, they get food on the way there. As they step in the had to wait an hour because of a storm. They sat there together "Clay" Adam says looking at the minecraft gamer "I had so, much fun. Thank you" Clay looks down at him, his smile wide "Adam no problem, it was great having you". Corpse sighs "now you need to come over to my place, again" "yeah, we just go back and forth" "yeah" Corpes nods. "I know I said this, but you have such a great family. Compared to what I had, I never got along with my mom and my sister I dont see her very often" "not every family is perfect Adam" Corpse looks up at Clay "I know" they talked until it was Corpse time to leave. The 2 get up Clay helping Corpse carry the cages, with the 2 cats. He sees someone walk up and grab the cages, he looks at Adam, Corpse looks back at Clay. He opens his arms, the dirty blond did the same. He moves and and the hug, it felt like a bitter sweet ending to the story there in. They let go Corpse grabs his luggage the woman help with the cages and the walk off. They keep waving until they couldn't see each other.
      After a long plane trip, Corpse is back home. He puts the cages down and let his cats out and got there food. As they ate Corpse sits at his kitchen table "fuck, I hate planes" he always feels nervous, but forget they're pills for people who get nervous on planes. He looks down at his cat, Bingus and Patches were so cute together. When you saw one you saw the other. Clay, god Clay; his mind shifted to the dark dirty blond, pale skin, emerald/ blue eyes, the amount of freckles he has on his face, tall or lengthy, his laugh. He loved every day feature, but his personality kind, understanding just his mother, his breathing is so light when he sleeps, when he sleeps he, looks... well that the part he gets so confused about. He looks peaceful, but once his face turned to a hurt gesture. It confused him, Clay must have been having a nightmare that time. He had a sudden urge to comfort him, to in a sense of way; safe him from him self. Corpse gets up and goes to bed Clay was right, even though you're sitting, planes take a lot of energy from you. His cats follow, as he changes and get under the covers and sleeps.
      Dream goes back home it's still early, he gets on his computer gets on DreamSMP. As he sits and waits he plans on other things. His thoughts would wouldn't let's him plan though, its full of Adam his curly black hair, his smiles, the mix of brown and red in his eyes, his laugh, so different from his voice. Dream doesn't care about the voice like most people did, it was Adam that what caught him. Even the things this man is going though, he is sweet and understanding, hes not bitter, or doing bad things, even though life his been so, cruel. Dream leans back on his chair "fuck, I'm such a simp" he whispers under his breath.

558 words

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