live Streaming

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      Corpse slowly get up, his body feeling better. Grabs his phone to look at the time 145 AM "dawm, not again. At least I got better sleep" he says to himself as he stretches. He puts his hand down to feel fur "hm" it startles him. Look down to see... Patches! Next to the cat is Bingus. He looks back at his phone to see a notification "DreamAwaken is live" on Twitch. He grabs his earbuds and taps, taking him straight to the steam. He practicing something he's not sure, but Dream also does a QnA as he does his minecraft thing. A lot of them was about Corpse.

How is Corpse stay? "Good so far".

What does he look like? "He is to beautiful for any of you to imagine". He say in a dramatic voice.

Why is he staying at your place? "No, clue but it been great, so I'm glad he did".

How close are you guys now? "I feel close, I cant answer for him".

What did you guys do so far? "Went skating again, but this time we did lazertag. Which was so much fun".

Why did you stream today? "Corpse was sore after the skating".

Are you guys fucking? "Not yet, but soon" he says sad than a sudden cheer.

Are you and Corpse together? "No" he was silent for a moment "were just fuck buddies" he says more cheerfully; like hes coving himself from the hidden truth.

Does Corpse have cats? "An odd question to ask me, but yeah. Look" Clay picks up the Black angry looking cat. "This one was not a fan of people, but they got used to me to the point I can hold them"

     Corpes eyes widen "wait" he looks to at his phone "how in the fuck did Dream get that cat to not scratch him."

    More and more were asked, you can tell Dream was joking in a lot, but he wished in him that at least 1 could be true. Its 465 Corpse is still awake, but can tell Clay is falling asleep finally. Once Dream ended the stream he hear him walking down the hall and out. Corpse gets up and follows "hey" Clay jumps from the sudden voice "shit!" He takes in a breath "oh, I'm sorry I didnt mean to scare you. My voice scares a lot of people" Clay turns to look at Corpes "it was less the voice and more, I didnt expect a person to be up. I reconnected your voice that's the last thing that would scare me" Corpse eyes widen. Than there was silents, Corpse face was tinted red with the explain Clay gave. Once Clay realized how the sentence came out as his face  bursted in red. "Thanks, not many say that. Lots get frighten more of the voice" he says looking away a bit " no, problem" Clay is so embarrassed, but it felt nice getting the compliment from him. "Hey want to come in my room and watch something on the computer" "naw, I think your sleep is more important" Clay laughs "stop being a mom" Corpes shakes his head "sorry, I can. Plus you really look tired" Dream chuckles "yeah, sleep goes well for me". He sighs "I guess you're right" they walk together into the hall way, but went the separate ways to their rooms. Clay changes clothing and got in his bed put the blanket over him. Before he close his eyes he sees the black cat. Corspe enters his room, he to wake to fall asleep. Gets his eye patch to cover his bad eye and opens the computer.
    Corpse got breakfast with the sister and mother again, with out Clay. This time he is out of it, its 12 and still has not left the room.  "Hey, Corpse" Drista says "can you wake Clay I think he should be good" "yeah, its 12 and he has a friends, it's quite rude just to leave you out here" Corpse nods, get up to go to Clay's room. Bingus is was Drista Patches in the living room, but his black cat... where are they. He gets up to Clay's door, its slightly open. He does a lights knock to not startle Clay. No answer. He opens the door to see Clay and his cat. The dirty blond looking like a burrito in the bed, his face have covered by the pillow, the blanket wrapped around his body, there is an area- in the blanket you can tell he is hold on to the blanket, near his face. With his cat just lays agents The Burrito Man. Corpse chuckles. Walks up to the side Clay is open to just lightly wake him. But stops. He sees Clay breathing, but barley. It's so light and slow, he side lifting up and down, so slow; he get close to Clay to listen to his breath, but it seems almost inaudible. You would assume the boy is bead. Corpse pulls out his phone and goes to the recorder, puts the phone as close with out waking Clay up, and pressed record. After a few seconds (almost a minute) Corpse pulls the phone away and puts it away. He says the mans name "Clay" no response, Corpse puts his hand to hover on Clay's shoulder "Clay" as he says his name he lightly touches his shoulder. A small groan comes from Dream, making his head go deeper in the pillow. Corpse puts the rest of the weight of his hand on his shoulder "Clay, wake up" another groan leaves Dream "I really dont want too" he says half awake and half asleep. He turns his body making it face the sealing. The black cat falls back slightly and Corpse removes his hand. Clay opens his eyes "what time is it?" Dream eyes has not adjusted, there still a bit bleary, but he can tell who is talking. "Its 12 something" "ah, shit. Corpse I'm sorry" "no, no, it's fine. You needed sleep anyway, but dont forget the video from lazertag" Dream sighs "right that". Corpse backs up to make room for Clay to get up, he is wearing sweatpants with a baggy white jacket that has his icon YouTube faces on it. "Let me get properly dressed" Corpse nods and leaves the room, he turn to close the door to see Clay take the jacket off, there was not shirt under the jacket. He closes the door face tinted red, goes back to the living room and sits down. Drista turns to Corpse "is he up" "yeah, just getting ready to leave. We need to get something" "oh, all right" she turns back to the TV.
    Dream leaves the room, he hears the TV making him move to the living room. He looks down at the sofa he walked behind "hey, how are the both of you" the 2 look up "good" Corpse says "we're watching TV, I just missed the best part!" She says turning away towards the TV "dawm, no "I love you, you're the best brother in the while world" praise for me" "ha, you wish" Clay make a fake sniffle noise "I wish, I really do". "You ready" Clay nods as he looks at Corpes "ready as I'll ever be" he says getting up to walk beside Clay. Dream nods and they walk out together.
    Making dack to the place and getting the tape was interesting. They walk into see a man next to the girl, the said she get the tape "you mush be the 2 that wanted the tape correct"  Dream and Corpse look at each other than back at the man "yes, sir we are" "well, what I'm doing is wrong, almost law breaking actually, but you only asked for just the 2 offline you. I want over the tapes and saw nothing wrong... so, here you go" he hands them the tape. They smile "thank you so much sir!" Clay says with such excitement "no, problem just like my employ said here "not many come to the lazertag". I'm just graf y'all had fun" he says. They walk away smiles as they wave goodbye, they got into the car and drives off. On the way home Dreams stomach makes a loud pained noise "tou didnt eat breakfast?" Corpse says more as a statement "I kind of forgot that part" "hm, well I'm getting hunger let's get something to eat" "sounds good to me!". They end up at a McDonald's, sitting as they chat. "You have a good family" Corpse says not looking up at his food. Clay looks up "where did that come from?" He looks up "I was just thinking how nice and understanding your mom is and how much fun you have with your sister. It's nice to watch and well be apart of" Clay puts his food down "and we are glad you're a part of it as well Corpse" "Adam, my name is Adam" Clay's eyes widen "it's nice to meat you Adam" Clay says reachin his hand out, Adam takes it and they shake. After food it was 245, when they made back to the house. They played games with Drista, the rest of the day. It turns 1020 and everyone goes to bed.
    Corpse lays in bed his mind wondering. He was never good at sleeping, because his mind can't seem to quite down at night, it get louder. He keeps thinking of every moment ever talk, every laugh, every good moment he has had with Clay. His face tinted red by the thought of him "god, this can't be" he says as he puts his hand on his face. Bingus is next to him, but the other 2 are not with him. He shrugs his shoulders and goes back to thinking about Clay.
    Dream is on his computer, just playing Among us in a random lobby. His face red, he keeps think of Adam, Corpse told him his name. It's still amazes Dream. He has the black cat and Patches on his bed. He can never seem to remember the black cats name. He as he was about to enter a new Lobby he sees the name Adam, he clicks on it and keeps playing.

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