Seeing Family

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Corpse and Dream life to them is simple and they like it, just the normal same routine, but that kind of went off when Corpse sister wanted to see him. Adam always had her number, but never really expected her to call him or even really text, it's been years. He gets call saying her name on it, Corpse gets up "I'll be back I'm going to take this call" he leaves to go in a another room. He goes into their bedroom and press the green button "hello" "hey, Adam!" The girl says with excitement "what do you need" he says I bit more harshly than expected "woah, woah, I dont really want anything. I just want to visit you or you visit me" "why?" "Because it's been a while and I hope we can, you know. Actually get along, like brother and sister" Corpse was silent. What should the man say this this. When she calls she wants something, it's mostly money, but this is different. He hopes "ok, I go over there back to for a day or 2" "nice also, I have a a roommate now shes quite, but once you get to know her shes nice. I'll send you the info you need" "bye" "bye!" She says cheerfully, than Corpse hangs up. He walks back, but Clay was in the kitchen "so what happened?" "My sister called it's weird because she called so see me not get money" "hm, so what the plan?" "I go over and stay or a day or 2" "when? "... shit, we didnt say when!" Dream starts laughing "fuck you too, I'll have to text her" Dream just kept up the laughter.
     Once all ways planned Clay drops his boyfriend at the airport, says his good byes once he was leaving and leaves. Corpse still hate planes, but has to go through this. He gets off its night, he walks down the stairs to see his sister, looking just as emo as he does. He would wrather stay at home, but if anything happens he didnt want Clay in it. He walks up to her "hey, Adam we got everything for you, I can ant drive so Alana is with us" she turns to see a girl standing pretty much behind her, almost hinding. Corpse waves the girl waves back. They walk to the car and get to the house the sister lives in. They walk in to see it between half way mess like they were changing things around. Alana was the last to walk in "we had a pipe problem and had to move things a round. I really need to finish the moving stuff, sorry about that" "hm" Corpse answer as he follows his sister. She walk into a room "this is yours" the room as is white and plan a bed and 1 furniture next to the bed "we dont do anything with this room, so that way it's like that" he walks in and put his stuff on the bed. He looks around there is really nothing. His room was similar to this, but once he moved in with Clay he now has more he likes and appreciate in his room. It's strange to be in a room with nothing really in it again. "Simple I like it" Adam says "I'm glad your fine with it".
     The rest of the day they just talked in the kitchen as Alana was in the living room watching TV so low it should just simply be on mute. Its night and Corpse goes to his temporary room, as his back lays on the bed the blanket still under him, he looks up at the selling. He misses Clay already, at this point Corpse thinks he is has helplessly love with that man. His room lights up, he turns his head to see where the sourse is coming from. His phone--he turns his body and grabs his phone. Speak of the devil it's the man he is helplessly in love with. It's a text

💕FreckleBoi: hey love

You: hello

💕FreckleBoi: how was it?

You: fine

You: we just talked about what we missed out on each other lives

💕FreckleBoi: sounds interesting

💕FreckleBoi: miss ya

You: miss you too

You: I'm so helplessly in love with you

You: thanks for that

💕FreckleBoi: manical laugh

💕FreckleBoi: love you too

💕FreckleBoi: night

You: night

    Adam turns his phone off and puts it back on the furniture. He grabs the blanket; moves under it and tries to get comfortable.
    The next moring Corpse woke up at 423. He sits up and looks at his phone to see a notification "DreamAwaken live on Twitch" Corpse shakes his head "I'm going to kill him". He gets on discord and text him, puts down his phone to get a message back quick

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