Part 20 - Parenting: Its Time To Move On 👨‍👨‍👧

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"Because you're stressed out, because you've missed your daughter, because the person you love lied to you and now you're trying to find a way of coping. You're bound to think of some stupid shit H, no one will blame ya." Liam assured him.

"Yeah well I'm pretty sure you'll all blame when I do what I do next."

Liam and Niall stared at him in confusion.

"You're not backing out on them are you?" Niall asked in a panic.

"No! God know I'd never do that, they're my family."

"Then what?"

Harry sighed shakily, he thought he'd be able to keep it in, wait until after they'd met Daislee and he could have a few focused moments with them. But sometimes things have to be done in others ways.
"I-I had a chat with my dad... he told me that I needed to make a decision."

"Decision about what?" Niall pressed.

"About what I wanted to do... if I wanted to move on from everything and lose my family or if I wanted to fight for them and keep them with me."

"Oh! That seems like a reasonable thing to say."

"Yeah I know, it made a lot of sense. I realised that I can't forgive Zayn. I can't forgive him and if I can't forgive him then that means there is no trust." Harry whimpered, his heart breaking.
"I-I love him and I know I'm only hurting him more by dragging this out."

"Dragging what our?" Liam asked softly.

"Breaking up with him... officially breaking up."

Harry saw as Niall opened his mouth to protest but he stopped him immediately.
"I-I have to Nialler, I have to. If I don't we will both stay miserable hoping that one day I'll grow up and get over it but I can't see it happening any time soon. I'm only hurting our family more by allowing Zayn to have false hope that this'll all end in a few months."

"Oh H." Niall sighed, grabbing his best friends hand in comfort. "Are you sure? I know how much you love him mate. Do you really want to see him moving on with someone else?"

"N-no I don't want to see that. But I also know that if you love someone let them go, if they're meant to be yours they'll find there way back. No one actually knows what the future holds... they can try determine a path but only we can decide what route we take it."

"There's nothing I can say to stop you doing this is there?"

"N-no I made up my mind a week ago now. As much as it will kill me, kill Zayn. I think we both know this is exactly how it's going to end right now."

Niall wiped at his eyes , sniffling as he took in the sight of his broken friend. Liam rubbing circles into his thigh in support.
"W-what about Daislee? I thought you was moving to Bradford after this term?"

"M' still going to move, just not in with Zayn. LMA have transferred all of my remained course work over to BPA so I should be fine." Harry shrugged.

"Zayn wouldn't keep Daislee away from you though, would he?" Liam questioned in worry.

"No! Of course he wouldn't... he knows how much I love her so he'd never ever ruin the bond we have." Harry stated. "Don't worry about anything like that, he'll be just as determined to keep our family together after this as I am."

"Can you still be a family when you're not together?" Niall said in confusion.

"We will... I don't want Daislee to feel how both me and Zayn have felt after our parents split. Ever! We will make sure every birthday, every celebration we are together as a three ... and if we meet people in the future they'll eventually join too."

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