1-Where it all began-

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^^Cute things in the box above you should look at it ^^

"Bella!" my mom screams at me from downstairs. "Ughhhhhh!", I groan as I roll out of bed, knowing that if I stay here my mom will make my brother wake me up. Which usually means a glass of water on my head. As I get up, I look into the mirror seeing my pale white skin and freckles that I hate greatly all over my face. 

Giving myself a weak smile in the mirror and throwing on clothes. The air feels cold as if it is about to rain ‘I love rain so much’ I think as I look through my closet for a warm oversized hoodie. The smell of pancakes and bacon invades my nose along with the fact that my dad is extremely distressed. You see, I can smell what people are feeling it is my power as a wolf, or as humans put it "werewolves". I guess I forgot to introduce myself I am sorry that I tend to be forgetful. 

Hello! :) My name is Bella-rose but most just call me Bella or Bell and I am 17 years old. Also, I am a little and a wolf shifter, my power as I mentioned is that I can smell anyone's feelings unless they are actively trying to stop me. This power hurt me very much and is still hard for me to handle because I am a little and what my pack calls a "baby wolf". I tend to be more sensitive and sometimes when other people happen to be sad or mad I will let it make me feel that way. I have had a hard time controlling my emotions due to my power in the past and to be honest it is still very difficult.

Ohh!! I almost forgot the most important thing is that I NEVER, EVER want a mate I don't care if it is a mommy/daddy/etc. I am terrified of mates and am afraid of having a mate because of something that happened in my past with an overly strong and dominant alpha.

On to lighter subjects, I am about 5ft tall with black hair, I am a few pounds over what would usually be classified as curvy, and sometimes have problems with self-harm and self-confidence. 

Wow, now that I did that I can eat breakfast that made me kinda tired again. I walk down the glass stairs that will forever scare me until I get to the kitchen seeing my mom up against the stove with my dad hugging her from behind. 

"Hewwo" crap I have been trying to stop from slipping into little space, but it seems me and my wolf could not hold it anymore. 

My mom's face quickly turns into a mixture of anger and sadness, but my dad chooses to ignore it. As much as it is supposed to be acceptable to be a little or a baby wolf my mom hated me for it and often made fun of it, so I try to hide my little side, but it does not work all the time. My dad walks to the table a smile still bright on his face as he sits me down at the table.

"Hello, my little girl I know that it will be hard for you but can I please talk to big you for just a moment, and then we can eat breakfast and I will set up Mulan for you?" His alpha voice quickly calms me and I get very excited almost jumping out of the seat at the thought of getting to watch Mulan which is by far da bwest movie everrrrrrrrrr.

"Otay," I say as I feel myself slowly becoming big again and feeling my wolf give me back full control.

"What is it, dad?" My voice is full of concern and I smell how worried he is. 

"So our rival pack the Blood Moon Pack is coming to visit because there have been many attacks around our land, and we think it might be best to work together to find out who it is."

"WHAT!! No, they have treated us poorly for generations, why would they help us now?!" I almost shout.

My dad gives me a glare for raising my voice at him since he is the alpha and I quickly bow my head in submission not being able to handle the amount of power he is pushing my way.

"The old alpha's son took over and is going to each town looking for a mate, he is the youngest but most ruthless alpha I have ever heard of. But out of respect for his father and our pack's relationship with his, he decided to help us in exchange that he gets to meet our pack and see if any of our members are his mate." 

I frowned but nodded my head in agreement. "When will he be here then?" I could tell my voice was weak and unsteady, yet I was not sure why.

"They will be here in two days, so that would be Friday morning, you will be expected as well as your older brother to be present and presentable for breakfast, and you will not make a fool of this pack. Do you understand me?"

His alpha tone was no longer calming but harsh and everyone in the area could feel that he was not asking but ordering as the alpha of this pack for those things to happen. I bow my head, not to my father but to my alpha as I can see that his wolf took over sometime during the conversation, and he nods his head in return dismissing me. 

Hi, I am the author if anyone reads this plz let me know if I should continue this because I am very unsure. Please feel welcome to leave your answer in the comments and let me know if there is anything I can do to make it better.
Please vote and a question for all of you--what is your favorite food?

-Good night beautiful people I love you all <3 :)
stay safe


How I met my Daddy Doms ✔️ [comepleted]Where stories live. Discover now