Chapter 37 - Miya Twins vs Copycat Twins

Start from the beginning

"S-Senpai sorry-ssu..." Ryouta apologized and I immediately let go of his hand, ducking out of the way of Kasamatsu's flying kick which nailed Ryouta in the stomach. He doubled over in pain and I watched as the captain yelled at the ace. I winced, praying for my brother.

I opted to ignore the scene behind me, walking over to the Kaijo bench and sitting down like I belonged there. "Hey Coach, Shinya-senpai, Mitsuhiro-senpai, Koji-senpai, Yoshitaka-senpai," I greeted and they greeted me back.

Moriyama smiled at me, grabbing my hand. "(Y/N)-chan, I told you that you can call me by my name," he 'flirted'.

"I am already calling you by your first name," I replied, removing my hand from his grasp. "It's going to be Yoshitaka-senpai for a while unless you want me to call you Yoshi-senpai?"

He smirked, still trying to play it smooth. "Alright."

"Yoshi-senpai it is," I muttered and I looked over to Kasamatsu who had a depressed Ryouta in tow. "I'm guessing that Ryo isn't playing until the second half? Am I right Yukio-senpai?"

He nodded. "Kise needs to warm up," he responded and then patted my head. "Nice to see you (Y/N)."

I blinked when he removed his hand from my head. 'Huh... Yukio-senpai is bad with girls from what I noted from when we first met and from what Ryo told me... but he did that without blushing or getting flustered. Is he fine with interacting with me now or is it because he is in a basketball mode right now?'

Shrugging my shoulders, I decided to let the thought go to the back of my head and started to watch the ongoing game, occasionally looking back at the volleyball occurring as well.

"Nice win~" I cheered, giving Ryouta a double-high five.

"Of course-ssu," Ryouta replied, lightly hitting his hands against mine. The Kaijo players smiled, happily watching the twins interact with each other. However, a certain captain was still pissed off.

"Oi Kise help us pack up."

"Yes senpai." Ryouta ran off to help them.

"Excuse me," a voice said and I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked behind me to see a blank faced guy with white and black hair wearing a red Inarizaki jacket.

"Yes?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"I'd like to apologize for my teammate's action, he had hit you with his serve," he said and bowed down. I immediately shook my hands around, the tips of my ears turning pink.

"No no no, it's fine really," I said and he stood up straight. "No one got hurt so it's all good... uhh..."

"Kita Shinsuke." "(Y/N)."

He then looked over his shoulder and I noticed the player whose serve I received was behind Kita, shifting from one foot to another awkwardly. "Atsumu, apologize." He straightened.

"I-I'm sorry!" he said and bowed down slightly.

I smiled, patting his shoulder. "It's all good." He stood up and I grinned. "That was a nice serve though. If you just control it better and add more of a spin on it, it would be more difficult to get up."

Atsumu looked me up and down. "Ya play volleyball or somethin'?"

I shrugged. "Used to in the past, now I'm an assistant coach for my team."

"Heeeh, what team?"


"Never heard of em," he replied and I chuckled.

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