September 13th, 3:38 P.M.

Start from the beginning

He shifted in his seat, and immediately felt the gun press into his side.

"I didn't even do anything!" He protested.

"Stop moving." Yoongi didn't take his eyes off the road, driving with one hand as his other aimed the gun at the boy.

"You don't have any evidence." Namjoon glared. "That's impossible, because I didn't kill anybody."

Yoongi said nothing, ignoring the stripper as he drove.

"And if you do have anything, it's because someone is framing me." Namjoon continued. "Why would I kill my best client? The tips he gave me paid all my bills! And I showed you the note about Serena! I wanted you to protect her! If I was the killer why would I give you a heads up?"

"Be quiet."

Namjoon bit his lower lip harshly, wanting to scream at the detective, but he didn't doubt the man would shoot him.

He glanced back down at himself, wondering what he was going to do about clothes, since the detective had grabbed him right before he was about to go on stage, and all he had on was black lace underwear that exposed half his ass and left nothing to the imagination in the front, and a gold chain body jewelry harness that ran down from his glittering collar. It clipped to the front of his underwear, and a chain looped under each pec, as well as at his waist, hooking around his back to stay in place. His black stockings that went halfway up to his thighs completed the outfit that everyone went crazy for.

This outfit always got him hundreds of dollars in tips, but he wouldn't be able to make a single penny tonight thanks to this asshole who was pointing a gun at him.

They drove past the police station and Namjoon frowned as Yoongi turned away from it.

"Where are you going?"

Yoongi still ignored him, turning down an unfamiliar road and Namjoon started to panic.

He was really being kidnapped now-

He was going to get assaulted in a dark place-

He was going to get shot and left to die in a ditch-

This was some kind of new interrogation technique-

He was going to get beaten and water boarded and tortured-

Yoongi pulled up to a modest looking house and parked.

Namjoon blinked, peering out the windshield at the average abode, with it's garden on the side and mailbox on the other, thoughts getting jumbled up in his mind.

Yoongi opened Namjoon's door and grabbed his bicep, hauling him out of the car.

"What are we doing here?" Namjoon tentively asked as Yoongi unlocked the front door and pushed him in.

"Get in."

Namjoon stumbled, slipping slightly on the polished hardwood floors in his stockings, and Yoongi grabbed him, walking him over to the couch.

"Is this your house?" Namjoon looked around. "Why are we here?"

As expected, Yoongi ignored him, walking up the stairs.

Namjoon stood up to follow, and Yoongi turned around with a cold glare.

"Sit down."

Namjoon slowly did, since he didn't believe he was here so Yoongi could make him some tea and cookies.

While the detective was gone, Namjoon studied his surroundings.

The living room was small, with a coffee table, TV, shelves, couch, arm chair and a few pictures hanging from the walls. It looked average, but looks could be deceiving, and Namjoon wasn't about to relax anytime soon.

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