Pick a side (80)

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Everyone started making their way outside. Draco and I held hands as we walked outside together. I could see Hagrid in shackles holding someone in his arms.

"Draco is that...?" I held onto his arms more tightly.

He didn't say anything and simply looked down at me with fear in his eyes. We stopped at the top of the steps. Theo and Luna joining us.

"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" Voldemort screamed.

Ginny screamed and tried to make a run for him but was stopped by Arthur. All the death eaters laughed. I spotted Narcissa and Lucius at the center and I turned to face Draco who I saw was now very tense, his eyes on his parents.

I squeezed his hands and he turned to face me. "We'll be ok. Remember we have to do this for us." I told him looking down to gesture at my stomach.

He nodded just slightly before taking a deep breath.

"Harry Potter is dead, from this day forth you put your faith in me." Voldemort began. "And now is your time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die." He spoke to us all.

I saw Bellatrix walk forward and stand on a pile of debris. I was just about ready to charge towards her and kill her but was stopped by Draco putting his arm around my waist.

"DRACO!" Lucius called for him. Everyone turned to face him but he didn't budge.

"Draco." His mother spoke softly afterward. I felt his grip from me release slightly but I held him tighter.

"C,mon mate, let's stick together," Theo whispered to him. Draco turned to face him, Luna, and then me and didn't budge.

I felt a sense of relief we had gotten through this but then I saw Neville start to walk forward. I was about to start walking down the steps towards him but this time I was stopped by both Theo and Draco.

"Well, I must say I'd hoped for better," Voldemort spoke making the death eaters laugh once more.

"Neville!" I called for him and he shushed me.

"And who might you be young man?" Voldemort asked him.

"Neville Longbottom." All the death eaters cackled once more.

I was just about ready to go off on them all. Theo and Draco's grips tightening around my arms.

"Well, Neville I am sure we can find a place for you in our rank." Voldemort continued making the death eaters laugh once more.

"I'd like to say something!" Neville said louder.

It was visible this bothered Voldemort but he let him go on.

"Doesn't matter that Harry's gone..." He began.

"Stand down Neville!" Seamus tried to stop him.

"People die every day. Friends, Family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight, he's still with us...in here." Neville pointed at his heart. "So is Colin, Remus, Tonks, y/f/n" Neville spoke locking eyes with you. You gave him an encouraging nod trying to fight back tears. "All of them, they didn't die in vain. But you will! Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us!" Neville screamed. Out of nowhere, he pulled the sword of Godric Gryffindor out of the sorting hat. "It's not over!" He screamed.

Everyone began moving, Harry hopped out of Hagrid's arms. "Confrigo!" He screamed pointing his wand at Nagini before running to hide. Everyone understood it was time to fight one more time.

"We have to kill the snake" I spoke letting Luna, Theo, and Draco know. They all nodded. Everyone started running back into the castle. Kingsley was creating protective barriers from the spells being thrown our way. Harry was running back to us. I stood next to Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Draco as we waited for Harry to run to us.

As Voldemort started approaching Neville ran forward. "Neville No!" I screamed trying to run forward as well.

Voldemort shot a spell at him causing him to fly backward. The order now stood at the entrance. I knew there was no time to check on Neville no matter how much I wanted to. Harry ran inside distracting Voldemort as the rest of us tried to find the snake.

Now, most of the fighting was in the great hall. Draco and I were able to kill a couple of death eaters but we had created a great distance between us. I found myself face to face with Theo's dad. I let my guard down slightly feeling guilty for fighting him but once he started shooting spells at me I didn't hesitate to fight back.

I shot a spell at him causing him to be petrified and fall back on the floor but while I was concentrated on him someone shot a spell at me from behind. I turned just in time to block it. It was Dolohov again.

"This time I'll finish you!" He screamed charging towards me.

Out of nowhere Oliver Wood had charged towards him and pushed him hard into a wall causing him to get knocked out. "Not today." Oliver spoke to Dolohov's motionless body before shooting me a smile and running off.

Some time had elapsed and I was now standing with Ginny fighting on the benches.

I turned when I saw a black figure appear next to me. "We have some unfinished business!" Bellatrix cackled.

"I believe we do!" I screamed at her furiously. But instead of shooting a spell at me, she went for Ginny behind me. She managed to block it just in time.

Molly pushed us behind her. "Not my daughter you bitch!" She screamed at Bellatrix.

They shot a couple of spells back and forth before Molly went full power on her hitting her straight in the chest. It looked like Bellatrix turned into stone. "She's all yours dear." Molly winked at me.

I stood next to her before taking a deep breath in and with all my fury throwing a spell at Bellatrix causing her to disintegrate on the spot. Molly and I high-fived each other quickly before carrying on.

Draco then appeared next to me looking in shock at the spot where his aunt was just standing. "Oh, I'm sorry," I said quickly.

He shrugged. "I never really liked her...plus that was really hot." He laughed before we ran out of the great hall to look for the snake. There were also a lot of people fighting on the stairs and we managed to help a couple of people out before Draco managed to see Hermione and Ron at the end of the stairs trying to kill Nagini.

I understood now that it was basically impossible to kill it using only spells and that it had to be done with something else which we didn't have. But we knew we could at least keep it from hurting more people.

Draco and I ran down the stairs hand in hand. Draco shot a spell at the snake just in time before it launched itself at Hermione. But now its attention was on Draco. Hermione, Ron, Draco, and I took it in turns shooting spells at the snake making it change directions over and over again. Until finally it had us all on one side.

It began slithering towards us as all four of us ran from it. Every once in a while one of us would turn and shoot a spell at it but we knew there was no more we could do and there was only so far we could run.

Eventually, all four of us collapsed into a pile of debris. Hermione placed her body over me and my stomach. Draco and Ron placing their bodies over both of us. Hermione and I closed our eyes waiting for the bite but instead, we heard a scream from beside us.

We looked up and saw Neville holding the sword of Gryffindor and Nagini disintegrating just like Bellatrix had done. All four of us gave a huge sigh of relief. We all stood up, Hermione helping me up.

We watched as Ron and Draco shook hands before we all thanked Neville. We all then walked together outside where we just managed to see the end of Voldemort. How his body turned slowly into dust.

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