Dumbledore's Army (41)

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After Harry had seen the attack on Arthur I had spent the holidays back at Grimmauld Place with the Weasleys and Sirius where luckily Arthur was able to join. It was extremely peaceful given everything back at school but soon we had to go back.

It seemed now that school was getting worse by the second with Umbridge implementing thousands of her "decrees" a day. She had even started a so-called Inquisitorial squad which consisted of purely Slytherin students wanting to make everyone else's life miserable. After the meeting at the Hogs Head Inn, all of us had been trying to find a suitable place to begin training since Umbridge had also implemented a decree against student organizations.

I was walking with Neville around the school one day. "I wonder if we'll ever find a place, Nev, I just don't see it happening," I said feeling a little defeated.

"I'm sure we'll find a place y/n, in fact I know we will." I just nodded at him even though I wasn't as confident as he was. We walked around a corner in silence when a wall beside us began shifting and changing and a door was revealed to us both. Neville and I turned to look at each other before going in and seeing exactly what we were looking for.

"Nev, you did it," I told him and he simply looked back at me speechless still in shock at the discovery. "We have to go tell Harry," I said pulling him out of the door, he simply nodded.

We found Harry and Neville and I were leading them to the room of requirements when I saw Draco coming towards us. "You go, I'll distract him," I whispered to Neville quickly before Draco was too close to hear.

Draco threw his usual glare at the group beside me before putting his arm around me and walking with me. "Hey babe, what's up?" I asked trying to act casual.

"I have to tell you something." He said coming to a stop and shifting my body to face him before holding both my hands. He had a huge smile plastered on his face "I joined the Inquisitorial squad." He said enthusiastically.

The smile on my face completely faded as I took my hands away from Dracos. "You did what?" I asked taken aback.

"No, y/n you don't get it." He said trying to grab my hands again.

"No Draco you're right, I don't get it," I said walking away feeling offended before letting him speak again.

I thought I would walk back to Gryffindor tower and wait for Harry, Neville, Hermione, and Ron to come back but as I was walking back I was looking down at my feet thinking of what Draco had just told me. As I turned a corner I bumped into Theo.

"Oh, Theo sorry," I said trying to walk around him.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked me

"Did you join the inquisitorial squad too?" I asked him wearing a sad look.

"Oh no, god no," He said looking offended that I even suggested it.

"Oh, ok," I said and I was ready to take off.

"Wait wait, did Draco join?" He asked

"Yeah, he just told me." I rolled my eyes at the memory.

"Did he tell you why?" He asked me again.

"Well no, I mean I didn't really let him," I confessed. "Wait where have you been?"

"Oh I've been hanging out with Luna," He said smirking and blushing at the name.

I was surprised by the announcement but knew that I really never knew what to expect from Luna let alone Theo.


In another life (Draco x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat