The Quidditch Cup (p23)

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We all made our way to the stadium around 30 mins before the match started. I walked alongside Hermione and Ginny and I was telling them everything that had happened with Draco, from first-year until today, and about what had just happened with Cedric. Their reaction was completely the opposite of what I expected though.

"Omg Draco and you are so in love." Ginny joked.

"Shut up." I nudged her laughing.

"Honestly y/n you guys just fought because you both got jealous. But he was a dick inviting Pansy of all people and then proceeding to ask you." She admitted.

"THANK YOU!" I told her and all three of us laughed. Soon we arrived at the stadium and we made our way to our seats.

To everyone's surprise, we ended up in a box with the Malfoy's. I locked eyes with Draco who was standing side by side with Pansy. Her arm was around his and her head was resting on his shoulder. I tried to look unbothered as I looked away. Hermione and Ginny saw my gesture and just rolled their eyes at me and giggled.

"Flirt with us." I heard two similar voices in my ears which made me jump.

"What!" I whispered back after realizing it was Fred and George.

"We heard your conversation." Fred started still in a low whisper.

"So flirt with us." George continued. I laughed but was on board with the plan so I nodded.

Fred and George both placed their arms around me. "Well, you're looking fine this evening y/n!" Fred said loudly.

I saw Draco's head snap in our direction. "Well, you guys are looking quite handsome yourselves," I told them both smirking. "I'm glad you two have agreed to spend the evening with me."

All three of us went to take a seat walking past Draco and Pansy. Fred made sure to hit Draco's shoulder as we walked past him. "Is there anything you would like to drink my lady?" Fred asked while George bowed. I tried to stifle a giggle.

"Surprise me," I told them

"Right away. Let's just hope no one steals our seats while we're gone." They said loudly, winking exaggeratively at me as they walked away making me let out a laugh this time.

It seems their plan worked since I saw from the corner of my eye Malfoy sit next to me. I didn't turn to face him and instead kept my eyes forward.

"Ok I get it, you made your point. Can you stop now?" He told me

I turned to face him with a victorious smile "I don't know what you're talking about." I acted innocent. He rolled his eyes. I laughed, "so, where's your date?" I asked him. 

"I told her to go get me a flubbert cocktail and not to come back until she had it," he smirked this time. I furrowed my brows.

"There's no such thing as a-" I realized what he had done. "oh." I laughed at his mischief.

"How about you and Gred and Feorge?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes at him before I turned to spot them and saw that they both were looking at us and winking very obviously.

"I don't think they'll be coming back," I told him pointing behind us. He turned and laughed at their actions.

The quidditch match was spectacular, Pansy never came back and Draco and I were next to each other the whole time. The view we had was fantastic and I was having so much fun. At one point a quidditch player from Bulgaria flew right in front of us, he was quite handsome and he turned and winked at me which Draco did not like.

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