The Goblet of Fire (p26)

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Since my mother definitely wasn't telling me a lot of things I decided to write to Sirius instead about what Moody had told me during class.

Dear Padfoot,

We had our first DADA the other day with Alastor Moody, I'm not sure if Harry told you already but he's our new teacher. He showed us the 3 unforgivable curses and when he showed us the Imperius Curse he said something. He told me my mother was familiar with the curse. I know my mom is hiding something from me and she thinks it's because I don't need to know. If you know what it is could you tell me please, or at least some part of it?

I miss you. Say hi to Buckbeak for me.

Love y/n.

I didn't feel like going into much detail about what exactly happened in class so I made the letter short and to the point. I knew Sirius took a while to reply so I went on with life as best I could trying not to overthink too much about what Moody meant.

I met with Neville and we both decided we would go to the great hall where the goblet of fire was located and sit around and see people throw their names in. It would have been more fun if Neville's nose wasn't buried in that book Moody had given him. We walked in and I walked to the benches to sit next to Hermione who's nose was also buried in a book, but at least I was used to her being like that and she could talk and ready at the same time. 

After a while, I saw Cedric walk in with a group of his friends. He waved at me as he walked past. He was shoved in the age line by his friends and then he turned and placed his name in the goblet. He turned back victoriously with a huge smile on his face and then he walked over to say hi.

"What d'you think?" He said to me as he leaned in for a hug.

I returned the gesture "Ok I'll admit, You did look pretty cool." I smirked at him as I saw him politely greet Hermione.

"I know right." He started giggling like a toddler which made me laugh. We then turned to see Fred and George walking in followed by cheers from the crowd.

They made their way over to where we were sitting and Cedric sat down on the bench next to me. I shifted myself so that I was leaning my back against his chest to observe what was about to go down.

"It's not going to woooork." Hermione chanted. Fred and George placed themselves on each side of Hermione.

"Oh yeah? and Why's that Granger?" George asked.

"You see this?" Hermione started pointing at the glowing circle around the goblet. "this is an age line, Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" Fred asked unbothered.

"So! A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an aging potion." Hermione replied clearly bothered.

"Ah but that's why it's so brilliant-" Fred started 

"cause it's so pathetically dimwitted." George finished then they both laughed.

Cedric and I laughed at their argument as well. Fred and George then got up and stood on the bench.

"Ready Fred?" asked George

"Ready George" Fred Replied.

"Bottoms up!" They said in unison and they downed the aging potion and hopped inside the circle.

There was silence in the room as we all waited for something to happen. But then loud cheers erupted after a couple of seconds when nothing seemed to happen. Cedric and I clapped along with the crowd. They both then placed their names in the goblet but this time the cheers didn't last as blue snake-like flames erupted from the goblet and sent the twins flying backward.

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