Time (76)

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This was it. Harry asked for one thing in particular. Time. We knew today was the day we all had to leave the room of requirements and fight. Ginny had let us all know that Snape had spotted Harry in Hogsmeade so it was only a matter of seconds before he asked us all to gather in the great hall. 

As suspected a couple of minutes into trying to get ready and handing out as many Girding potions to as many people as I could. Everyone was called to the great hall. I watched as everyone put their robes on. Hermione, Ron, Neville, Dean, and I all stayed back waiting for the order to get here. 

During our wait, I kept debating whether I should tell Remus about the baby. I was afraid of what he would think, but I also knew he would try to keep me from fighting. The five of us discussed our plans when the door opened and we saw the order, I saw my mom behind them. 

They started coming down the stairs and I quickly greeted everyone. I noticed Tonks wasn't there and I knew Remus had probably told her to stay back with the baby. I stood beside mom holding her hand tightly. 

"Is everyone ready," Kingsley asked. 

We all nodded. "They're in the great hall, with Snape and the Carrows," I told them and we all started to walk out. 

Once we made it to the doors we waited outside to come in. After a couple of seconds, we heard loud gasps and whispers and then Harry's voice. We knew it was time to come in. 

We walked in and saw Snape and Harry stood in the center of the room. I looked around at the students and my eyes landed on Theo. I could see he was happy to see us. I gave him a weak smile before bringing my focus back to the center of the room. 

Snape lifted his wand towards Harry and McGonagall stepped in to shield him. I could see Snape was hesitant but I was also aware that now was not the time to try to figure out what side he was on. The order lifted their wands up as well ready to throw any spells if necessary. 

We all watched as McGonagall and Snape battled it out. Snape diverted one of the many spells McGonagall threw his way and knocked out the carrows before he disappeared in his black robe, not before taking the Carrows wands with him first. 

"COWARD!" McGonagall yelled as he flew away before turning around and bringing some light to the room. But the cheering and celebrations didn't last much longer. 

Suddenly the room was cold and dark again. I started feeling a sharp pain in my head and started stumbling on the spot. Fred and George held my arms to stop me from falling but I could see they were struggling as well. 

We all then heard a scream echo all throughout the hall. We walked towards the noise and saw a Hufflepuff student clutching her ears. We then heard another scream, One of the Parvarti twins was doing the same. 

"I know that many of you will want to fight, some of you may even think that to fight is wise but this is a folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You have one hour." A loud whisper was heard. It was like it was in our heads, and it echoed in our skulls. 

Once the whisper stopped everyone turned to face Harry. 

"What are you waiting for? Someone grab him!" Pansy screamed. Ginny and I walked forward and stood in front of Harry. A number of other students joining us. 

After Filch came running into the hall like a 'blithering idiot' like McGonagall described. She asked him to escort all the Slytherins to the dungeons. As they started walking away I saw Theo turn to face me and I stepped in and grabbed his arm. 

Luna did the same. "He's on our side," I spoke to the order. I could see they were hesitant. 

"He is, he's helped us," Seamus added and I could see slight nods from a couple of them.

"Are you willing to die for Harry?" Kingsley asked him. 

"I am sir," Theo answered. I shot him as smiled before we all got to work. 

Harry ran out of the hall in search of this unknown object and I watched as Luna ran after him, Theo running after Luna. Hermione and Ron ran out as well and I knew they were headed to the chamber of secrets. I stayed with the order waiting for further instructions. 

We followed Molly, and Professor McGonagall out of the hall and outside while she explained to us her plan of blowing up one of the bridges leading into Hogwarts. Soon Seamus, Neville, and I were running to the bridge to get to work. 

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