Department of Mysteries (45)

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Finally, we were here, we made our way to the department of mysteries, it was all incredibly silent and eerie. I was beside Neville the whole time we were holding hands, which I knew was a comfort for us both, we held out our wands in the other. 

We walked down aisles and aisles of prophecies, Harry finally finding the one we were looking for and suddenly we saw black smoke coming from all directions. Death eaters. They were surrounding us. They all began walking towards us as Lucius began muttering to Harry demanding him to hand over the prophecy. I squeezed Neville's hand and he did the same before we let go knowing what was about to go down. 

"I've waited 14 years," Harry whispered to Lucius. 

"I know," Lucius replied in a fake sympathetic tone. 

"I guess I can wait a little longer. NOW!" Harry shouted

 "Stupefy." We all shouted in unison pointing our wands at individual death eaters sending them flying backward a couple of meters. We all started running trying to find an exit which seemed nearly impossible given everything looked exactly the same as did all the doors around us. Before we could get very far Lucius appeared in front of us once more making us stop in our tracks. 

At that moment we all got separated as we ran in different directions. I bumped into Neville who was petrifying a death eater who I recognized as Theo's dad. "Well done Neville," I whispered grabbing Neville's arm and pulling him away with me. We then bumped into Luna and began running with her. We continued running forward and eventually, we all reunited. We were in a circle again and we all watched as death eaters began flying towards us from the far end of an aisle. 

"REDUCTO!" Ginny shouted pointing her wand towards them. Prophecies came crashing down from everywhere causing a domino effect that was approaching us quickly. Neville and I reached for each other's hands once more as we began running the opposite way, we didn't look back as we heard glass shattering close behind us. We made it to a door just in time. 

We were falling fast, I closed my eyes expecting to hit the ground at any second but just before we did we stopped and only fell a couple of inches from the ground. We all got up and started to examine our surroundings. In the center of the room, there was a stone archway with a vail in the center of it. 

Our attentions were diverted from the veil once more to black smoke coming down the room we were in, surrounding us, they flew into us and began grabbing each of us one by one. I was being held by Nott with his wand pointed at my throat and I could see Neville being held by Bellatrix which made me incredibly furious. I tried my best to pry my way out of Nott's grip only causing his to tighten and his wand to dig deeper into my neck. 

Lucius once more approached Harry at the center, trying to convince him to hand over the prophecy. Threatening to kill us if he didn't.

"Don't give it to him Harry!" Neville shouted causing Bellatrix to tighten her grip on him. 

We all watched as Harry almost handed Lucius the prophecy. But in what felt like a blink of an eye Sirius had appeared behind Lucius, punching him in the face, and seconds later the order of the phoenix had appeared in white beautiful glowing smoke. I saw Remus fly behind me and throw Nott against the wall freeing me from his grip and once again the fight began. I only managed to cast Sirius a smile while fighting. 

Spells were flying everywhere, Remus helped me down the rocks where Tonks was running around gathering the DA members. We all hid behind rocks except Harry who was fighting with Sirius. We watched the order keep fighting. I was smiling watching the death eaters loosing and Sirius and Harry being together.

I turned and saw Bellatrix appear on a rock behind Harry and Sirius, I lifted my wand ready to hex her but it was too late. 

"AVADA KADAVRA!" I heard her shout and I watched the jet of green light fly directly at Sirius's chest. 

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