Loss (79)

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The fighting had become increasingly harder. It seemed like the death eaters were becoming stronger as we lost more and more people. Draco and I were exhausted. We had separated from Theo and the trio.

We were running through the staircases when we heard an explosion behind us. The stairs collapsed from under us. I heard the hideous cackle I was so familiar with.

"Draco!!! Nephew!!!! There she is!" Bellatrix's chant echoed.

I got up and saw that Draco and I were being separated by a large piece of the staircase that had fallen. I tried to look for my wand but couldn't find it.

"Don't you dare touch her Bella!" Draco screamed at his aunt as she pointed her wand at me laughing. I was defenseless.

Bellatrix laughed again. "I think I'm gonna kill your girlfriend?" she mocked him. She started cackling again throwing her head back.

Draco took this opportunity and waved his wand sending Bellatrix flying back. She was out of sight. "SHE'S MY FIANCEÉ" He screamed while finding a way to get over to my side.

We started looking for my wand. I spotted it a little far under some debris, Draco went to get it when I saw Bellatrix emerge from behind a column, she looked furious.

"AVADA KADAVRA" She screamed. I saw the flash of green light coming my way and I turned to face Draco, I had never seen him so terrified as he ran to me. I waited for the blow but it never came. A body had appeared in front of me. I was confused as to what had happened. I watched Bellatrix hop away and I looked down to see Tonks. All the color had left her body.

I fell to my knees next to her. "No...No....No no no no." I shook my head in denial. "You're not supposed to be here!" I screamed at her dead body. "No." I looked at her shocked. I grabbed her body and hugged her. I started crying "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry Tonks. I'll look after Teddy, I promise you I'll look after Teddy." I cried harder to her. "I love you, Tonks. I love you so much. I'm sorry." I kept talking to her.

Draco grabbed my arm and tried pulling me away. I knew we had to keep going but I just couldn't leave Tonks. I bent down and kissed Tonks forehead before getting up. I wiped my nose and eyes with my sleeves as we kept running. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and Draco noticed.

He stopped running and dragged me behind a wall in a small crevice. "She's dead. I didn't tell her about the baby. How am I supposed to tell Remus?" I spoke to him looking down at my feet.

"I'm so sorry y/n. Believe me, I'm forever grateful to her for saving you and it hurts me as well but she would want you to keep fighting. For Teddy and for us." He said putting his palm on my stomach.

I looked up to meet his eyes. "She saved us," I told him placing my hand on top of his.

He nodded and I could see his eyes water slightly. I took a deep breath before gesturing to him that I was ready. He held my hand and we ran through the castle once more. But we realized that there wasn't any fighting going on anymore. Everyone was walking towards the great hall. The death eaters were nowhere to be seen.

We started walking towards the great hall and I saw Seamus.

"Seamus!" I called for him. He turned to face me.

"y/n thank merlin, I thought you were dead." He said as he walked towards me and gave me a hug. He gave a slight nod to Draco. "Congratulations on the baby by the way. I told you that's what it was." He winked.

I shot him a smile before asking him "Where are the death eaters?"

"Harry's gone to the forest to meet him. They've retreated." He told us.

I gasped slightly but I knew it was too late for me to do something about it. Draco and I kept walking hand in hand towards the great hall. Once we reached the entrance we were both overwhelmed by the number of bodies laid all along it.

I looked down next to me and at my feet, I saw Colin's body. I knew he was supposed to leave the castle since he was underage. I gasped and brought my hands to my mouth. Draco turned to see what I was looking at. My eyes were watering and I knew that if I kept walking down the hall I'd end up in endless tears.

"C, mon," Draco whispered grabbing my hand as we kept walking.

I saw Parvarti and Trelawney next to Lavander's body. And then there it was another massive blow to my chest. I felt the air leave my body as I saw Tonks and Remus laying next to each other. My knees gave in and I collapsed. Draco managed to hold me up just in time before I hit the floor.

I started crying once more and I was reminded of when Cedric died. Draco kneeled down to hold me as I cried in his arms. I had no words. I let my tears fall freely. Tears of pain and exhaustion left me. I didn't know how long I'd been crying for when I felt some hands on my back.

"No please." I cried thinking someone wanted to take me away.

"Baby, it's Neville," Draco whispered.

I looked up and saw Neville, he too looked exhausted and distraught. Draco and Neville helped me up before I wrapped my arms around Neville and cried in his arms too.

"I'm so sorry y/n." Neville whispered as he hugged me harder.

"y/n." I then heard my mother's voice.

I turned once more and saw her. She looked down to see Tonks and Remus and she too started crying. "She saved me, mom... They both did." I told her as we both kept crying.

After I had no more tears left to cry Draco wrapped his arm around me and took me to some benches before getting water for us both. I leaned my head against his shoulder and just stayed there. We both looked around as people were crying over their loved ones and being treated for their injuries.

I saw Madam Pomfrey running around trying her best to help everyone.

"Draco we should help," I told him sitting up.

"Are you sure?" He asked me holding my hand.

"I'm ok. We need to help." I told him. He nodded and got up. But before we could help much we heard loud whispers from the entrance. We could see the death eaters in the distance coming back.

In another life (Draco x reader)Where stories live. Discover now