Dark ride to School(p11)

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I hopped into the Hogwarts express with Neville and we both slipped into a compartment with Seamus and Dean. 

"Hi, Love," I said as I pulled him into a quick kiss and sat in front of him. Seamus and I had seen each other over the holidays and we'd both matured quite a lot since last year. 

A couple of minutes later the train took off and we soon got to chatting. As usual, after a couple of minutes, I told the boys I was going to take a walk to stretch my legs. 

I had walked all the way down greeting a couple of people as I walked including Malfoy who I noticed had matured a lot over these holidays. I felt a little guilty for my thoughts but I definitely thought Draco looked very attractive with his new maturity, a new hairstyle, and chill behavior.  

I got all the way to the back of the train and I started my way back. I had just passed Draco's compartment again when I felt the train come to an abrupt halt. I wobbled on the spot trying to regain my balance. 

I heard whispers from all the compartments and soon after the atmosphere got darker and colder. I shivered and out of nowhere, I started feeling incredibly miserable. I continued walking up the compartment before I once more came to a halt as I saw a tall, dark-cloaked figure gliding down towards me. I froze and stood there in shock as it slowly came closer and closer to me making me feel despair, hopelessness, and every worse feeling in the world. As it was right above me I stared terrified, tears streaming down my eyes as a mouth appeared from under the cloak and started breathing in. The memory of last year when I came face to face with Voldemort and he sent me flying in the air came back to me. 

"Y/n" I heard a muffled voice before everything went black around me. 

I woke up what felt like seconds after to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes trying to refocus as I got up slowly. I was laying on the floor in the same spot I was standing a couple of moments ago. I looked around terrified unknowingly holding the arms of whoever was in front of me, trying to look for the creature that had caused me to be in this position. 

"It's gone. You're ok." I heard the voice in front of me say.

My attention was immediately brought to the grey eyes in front of me. I sighed in relief holding tighter to his arms. 

"What is it with you and saving me huh?" I asked trying to laugh my previous dreadful feelings off. 

"It's tradition, darling." He replied with a giggle. 

"Y/N!" I heard someone yell and soon I saw Seamus sprinting towards us. "Are you ok? What happened? What did he do to you?"Seamus interrogated me agitated.

"Babe! I'm ok, Draco helped me, I passed out." I said now holding his hands. 

Seamus and Draco exchanged looks of rivalry, I looked at both of them and let go of Seamus to try to get myself up. Both Draco and Seamus quickly reached for one of my arms and pulled me up together lifting me up off the ground as they both tried to show each other their strength.

"Gee guys thanks," I laughed while they both continued to glare at each other. 

"....Ok... Draco thank you for your help, again," I interrupted their staring contest. 

"Seamus, let's go," I said as I put my arm around his and pulled him towards our compartment. 

I looked back and smiled at Draco which he returned. 

"What happened? Why were you with him?" Seamus asked me as we walked back to the compartment. 

"I told you, I was walking past his compartment when I passed out and I guess he saw me and came to try and help me," I told him. 

Seamus nodded unconvinced and we soon arrived at our compartment. 

"y/n!" I heard Neville say as he embraced me in a tight hug. 

"Hey, I'm fine Neville," I said patting him on the back. 

"I've just spoken to Harry, Ron, and Hermione while looking for you and Professor Lupin was there, Dementors got on the train and they attacked Harry. I just thought-" Neville mumbled on 

"Yes, they attacked me too. I thought I imagined it though, I'd never seen one before." I said with a fear sinking back into me. 

"Merlin's beard I'm so glad you're ok." Neville went on hugging me again. 

This time I hugged him back tightly. "Thanks, Neville." 


Once we were all walking to the great hall Harry and I discussed what we had felt during the dementor attack and then we proceeded to talk about Sirius Black. As we approached the table I sat a couple of seats away from them with Seamus. As Dumbledore started his usual welcoming speech I heard Malfoy's voice and turned to see what was going on. 

"Is it true you fainted?" Malfoy asked in a mocking tone as one of his minions imitated feeling sick.  "I mean, you actually fainted?" He continued laughing at Harry. 

I furrowed my brows and felt angry and honestly kind of betrayed, I felt my eyes water. Malfoy turned to me and his smirk disappeared. I shook my head disappointedly and turned to face the front of the hall. 

During the whole feast, I didn't feel like eating at all. A couple of minutes before the feast was over I told Seamus I was feeling tired so I would be heading to bed early. I got up from my seat, kissed him, and forced a smile as I walked out of the hall. I saw a couple of heads turn my direction and a couple of Slytherins mocking as I walked out of the hall. I saw Malfoy stand up from his seat and raise his hand at the people mocking me to make them stop. I tried to speed up my walking so he wouldn't catch up with me. 

"y/n! y/n!" I heard him yell after me once we were out of the great hall. 

"What d'you want Malfoy," I asked annoyed as I continued to walk towards the Gryffindor tower. I felt him gently grab my wrist. 

"y/n listen! I wasn't mocking you-" He started 

"You know what Malfoy, I don't wanna know. I don't wanna hear your lame ass excuse for acting like a bloody git! Whether you meant it or not, my mocking Harry, you mocked me! Now leave me alone" I said as I continued walking. He didn't attempt to stop me again. 

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