First DADA class (p39)

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I saw Draco when I was coming out of the Hogwarts Express once we had arrived. It was dark, I walked out and I turned to look down the train and there he was. A huge smile was plastered on both our faces as I ran towards him.

I launched myself at him and we hugged before we both pulled back and kissed.

"I missed you" I whispered to him once we broke the kiss.

He held my hand and we started walking together towards the carriages. "I missed you too." He answered. 

It was time for one more year at Hogwarts, and this time it was different. It didn't feel right, and not like the other times like I almost died but another type of different. Cedric wasn't going to be there, Voldemort was back, tensions were higher, and I knew from the moment I saw Umbridge this year was going to be long. 


The ambiance was terrible around the school, it seemed like people were back to hating Harry for what they had been reading in the Daily Prophet.

 Today was our first DADA class with Umbridge. Draco and I sat at the far back together, we were being all lovey-dovey when we saw a paper bird fluttering across the classroom. 

"I'm gonna hit it!" Draco said like a little kid. 

I held his hand before he could get up and I gave him a look of disapproval. He pouted at me. We watched the paper bird flutter a while longer before it was burnt. Everyone went quiet. 

"Good Morning Children," Umbridge said in her low high pitched voice. 

Everyone turned to look at her. 

"Ordinary, Wizarding, Level, Examinations, O...W....L...., more commonly known as OWLs." She began moving towards the front of a classroom wearing an incredibly fake smile. 

Draco and I turned to look at each other, both of our brows furrowed. She then waved her wand and began handing out books to the whole classroom. 

'Dark Arts Defence - Basic for Beginners' read the cover, she began explaining the lesson plan and how it was "ministry approved" as she so put. 

"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells," Hermione commented. 

"Using spells?" Umbridge giggled "I can't imagine why you'd need to use spells in my classroom." Everyone's face turned to one of confusion 

"We're not gonna use magic?" Ron asked equally confused. 

"You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way," Umbridge responded in her same calm tone. 

"What use is that? if we're gonna be attacked it won't be risk-free." Harry argued I stifled a laugh. 

"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class" She replied "It is the view of the ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations which after all is what school is about." She explained in her same fake smile. 

"How is theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" I shouted from the back 

"There is nothing out there dear, who do you imagine would attack children like yourself?" Her squeaky voice was enough to make me mad. 

"Oh, I don't know, maybe...Lord Voldemort." Harry argued again. 

Everyone flinched at the name. 

Umbridge was speechless for a couple of seconds "Now let me make this quite plain, you have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again, this is a lie." Umbridge announced walking down the classroom. 

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