Endless lines(40)

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The school wasn't the same anymore, Umbridge going around doing her ministry inspections unsettled everyone, even the teachers. The next DADA classes were no better than the first either, I was finding myself getting detention almost every lesson which I could see made Draco furious. My hand was becoming redder and redder by the second and it was even beginning to scar. I had written things on my hand such as; I must learn to shut up,  I must always do what I'm told, or the last one which Umbridge was quite proud of "I must not tell lies." 

Every torture session I made it my mission not to show her any weakness, I knew that was always her aim. I was walking with Draco to dinner after my last session. 

"And what did she make you write this time?" he asked angrily again. 

"Nothing Draco" I answered firmly.  

He stopped and made me come to a stop as well. "Show me." He demanded 

I scoffed before pulling up my sleeve and showing him "Y/n this is absolute bullsh*t I told you I wouldn't tell anyone but you can't just expect me to do nothing while she's torturing you." he argued. 

"There's nothing you can do Draco, ok? So just let it go" I was getting frustrated. 

Finally we arrived at the great hall, I went to sit with Draco at the Slytherin table, he sat in front of me and we didn't talk. There was a lot of tension but luckily Theo saved us from it once more when he came to sit next to me putting his arm around me in the process. Theo had become very comfortable around me. 

"Well Hello there." Theo said as he sat down in his usual childlike tone. Neither Draco nor I said anything. "Now what's got your wands tied in a knot?" He asked nudging me. 

"Silly couple things." I faked a smile and laugh while Draco just looked up at me. 

Theo looked at Draco then at me before saying "Alright then..." he began to eat. 

I finished eating quite quickly not really feeling like hanging around any longer. 

"See you tomorrow," I said as I got up and quickly walked away not giving them time to reply. 

I rushed down the halls just wanting to get to my room as fast as possible when I ran into Luna, possibly the only person I think I could never not want to see.

"Hi y/n, are you ok? you look a little angry." She asked in her sweet tone. 

"Hi Luna, not really Draco and I got into a little argument and school is just not the same this year." we walked slowly as we talked. 

Luna was gonna reply when I heard Theo's voice from behind us. 

"Yo y/n! wait up!" He shouted as he ran to catch up

"yes Theo?" I asked turning to wait. 

Once he caught up with us I saw him stare at Luna up and down before addressing me again. 

"I wanted to come to check on you but now I wanna know who this might be." He asked me looking at Luna. 

I furrowed my brows at him. " I'm Luna Lovegood, it's a pleasure to meet you." Luna greeted Theo. 

"The pleasure is all mine." Theo began moving closer to Luna. 

"Oh, Merlin Theo" I laughed grabbing him and pulling him away from sweet sweet Luna. 

Luna giggled before walking away. 

"So what house is she in?" Theo asked me smiling like a child. 

"Ravenclaw." I answered.

"I could deal with that." Theo smirked to himself. 

"Stop!" I punched him lightly in the arm before starting to walk away. 

"No wait y/n, really, you guys ok? You guys are like my power couple I can't have you break up."  He said upset. 

"No Theo, no no no, please, we're ok it's really just a stupid little fight, I- We're-" I took a deep breath "We'll be ok." I told him. 

I saw him smile. He then gave me a hug and when he pulled away he said: "I like you y/n, I've known Draco a little while longer than you but you definitely changed him...in a good way." He added. 

"Thank you Theo." I said now feeling an urge to go find Draco." 

I walked back to the great hall and found him sitting there looking thoughtful. I walked towards him and sat next to him.

"Draco I'm sorry." I apologized shifting closer to him getting his attention. "I know you're just worried and you don't want me to get hurt again and it's not your fault, I just-" 

He grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss before pulling away. " I'm sorry too, I know I can't control what you do but It hurts me to see you in pain y/n. I'll try my best to be there for you anyway." He told me and this time I grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. 

I definitely felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulder which was helping me get through the day.


Once I arrived at the Gryffindor common room that night Hermione called me over to her bed and explained to me a plan she had with Harry and Ron tomorrow at the Hogs Head Inn and how they wanted me to be there. I told her I would be. 

In another life (Draco x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz