The Final Plan (58)

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It was time, It was dark, everyone was asleep. Draco and I exchanged a look before getting up from our beds. I felt tonight would be the worst night of my life. Draco and I walked out of the hospital wing. 

"Draco go to the vanishing cabinet, get it ready...I'll come find you, I have to get something," I whispered. 

"What-Where are you going?" He asked me concerned. 

I felt bad leaving Draco alone but I knew I couldn't just do what I was about to do without warning someone about it. "The liquid luck Draco, I think it's about time I use it." I lied. 

Draco nodded I was about to start walking in the opposite direction when Draco grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. He crashed his lips into mine. "I love you, whatever happens, tonight I just need you to know that." 

"I love you too, never doubt it," I whispered and we both walked away in opposite directions. 

I ran to Gryffindor tower as fast as I could. I went up to my dormitory and noticed Hermione wasn't there and assumed the trio already had a basic idea of what was about to go down which actually made me feel slightly relieved. I quickly grabbed the bottle of liquid luck. 

I then made my way to Neville's dormitories and noticed Ron and Harry weren't in there either which only confirmed my suspicions. Just as I was about to wake up Neville I felt something burning in my pocket. I reached my hand in and took out the DA galleon Hermione had enchanted for us last year. It was alerting for a meet-up. I gave a sigh a huge sigh of relief but knew this only meant I had to be quicker. 

"Nev, Nev!" I shook Neville awake. He sat up. 

"y/n? what-" He started but I cut him off trying to be as quick as possible. 

"Neville I don't have much time, something is going down tonight. I need you to listen carefully. I had to do this Neville I had no choice, I'm sorry. I was only trying to keep you safe. Take this, use it." I tried to explain as fast as possible shoving the bottle of liquid luck into his hands. "Give it to the DA, as many people as you can, be careful Nev." was all I said before getting up and starting to walk away. 

"y/n wait!" Neville tried to stop me. 

"I'm so sorry Neville, believe me, I didn't want to do this." I finished before running off. 


Once I made it to the room of requirements I saw Draco coming out. 

"Draco, I'm here. Did it work?" I asked

He nodded and I could see he was terrified. "Let's go." He said grabbing my hand. 

We walked together to the astronomy tower. My senses heightened and I felt like I was hearing doors, footsteps, voices all around me and I didn't know what to expect. 

Draco and I began making our way up the astronomy tower in silence when he heard voices. I quickly recognized them to be Dumbledore's and Harry's and just hoped Harry found a way out of there quickly. We made it to the top and only Dumbledore was there, although I knew Harry could still be anywhere, maybe even under his invisibility cloak. 

We had our wands raised at Dumbledore as we approached. 

"Good evening Draco, y/n. What brings you two here on this fine spring evening?" Dumbledore broke the silence. 

"Who else is here? I heard you talking?" Draco interrogated him. 

"I often talk aloud to myself, I find it extraordinarily useful." Dumbledore lied. 

I felt myself lowering my wand. Dumbledore took notice and focused on Draco. "Draco, you are no assassin" 

"How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you!" Draco argued his voice breaking. 

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that in return she'd bare a cursed Necklace to me?Like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison? Forgive me Draco I cannot help but think these actions are so weak that your hearts really couldn't have been in them." Dumbledore spoke to us both now. 

My wand was now fully lowered as I stared at Draco. "He trusts me! I was chosen" Draco yelled pulling up his sleeve to reveal his Dark Mark. 

"Draco stop," I whispered placing my hand on his mark and lowering his arm. "We can't do this. He's right!" I tried arguing with Draco. 

"Y/n stop, I have to do this you know that." He looked straight into my eyes. 

"I shall make it easier for you." Dumbledore interrupted lifting his wand. 

"Expelliarmus!"  Draco yelled and Dumbledore's wand flew out of his hands. 

Seconds later we heard people coming up. Dumbledore questions us on how we had done it. 

"Years ago I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you." Dumbledore begged Draco. 

"I don't want your help! Don't you understand! I have to do this! I have to kill you! or he's gonna kill me! and Her!" Draco cried. 

I felt my heart stop. This had been news to me as well, Draco had only told me he was doing this for his parents and he'd always led me to believe that his parents would pay the price for this not him. Of course, I knew I had always been at risk but I never let it bother me too much. I gave Dumbledore a look of plea but it was too late. The death eaters were here. 

Bellatrix and Dumbledore began chattering. 

"Do it! Go on Draco NOW!" Bellatrix screamed at him. 

I saw Draco breaking down. I felt so helpless. 

"NO!" I heard Snape's voice behind me. I turned back and saw Dumbledore's eyes look down, I followed them and saw Harry through the cracks of the floorboard. He locked eyes with me and I gave him the same look of plea that I gave Dumbledore. 

"Please." were Dumbledore's last words to Snape before he lifted his wand and shot the killing curse at him. We all watched as Dumbledore flew backward over the railing. 

I gasped and a feeling of shock filled my body. Draco grabbed my hand. "We have to go." He pulled me. 

"No Draco, no." I tried pulling back. 

"We have to go y/n, please." He urged me again pulling me harder. I knew that as much as I wanted to stay there and fight with the DA I had to go, for my parents, for Draco.

We ran down the stairs and I heard fighting in the castle. We walked out of the astronomy tower and I saw members of the DA and teachers fighting against death eaters everywhere. Spells were flying in every direction but I noticed that all the spells thrown at the DA members were missing them by mere inches. I knew Neville had given them the liquid luck. 

Neville! I scanned the area for a sign of him. Bellatrix had her fun destroying everything in the great hall while I looked for him. Draco still holding onto my hand tightly. Finally, my eyes landed on a motionless body on the floor. 

"NEVILLE!" I screamed over all the chaos. I released myself from Draco's grip and ran towards Neville, but didn't get far before Draco had me in his grip again this time a grip on my whole body. 

"y/n we have to go!" Draco yelled at me. He pulled me with him out of the hall and I could barely get a good look at Neville, all I saw was him lying completely motionless. 

Just outside the great hall, I saw as Fenrir Greyback slashed Bill across the face. I screamed again."NOOOOO! I CAN'T DO THIS! DRACO STOP! LET GO OF ME! PLEASE" I yelled at him as he dragged me outside. 

"y/n please you have to come." I could hear him crying harder now.  

"LET GO!" I yelled again, crying harder as well. 

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