Come and Go (66)

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The classes with the Carrows that followed were still pretty bad but none compared to the first one. Now that members of the DA and some other students had started challenging the Carrows on their teachings they had been distributing their torture 'fun' on loads of people so it didn't really all fall on me anymore. Although they did particularly enjoy longer sessions with me. 

Neville, Ginny, and I started getting concerned about the fact that we were getting weaker and we had no idea when we were going to have to be ready for a fight. All three of us were walking together not really looking at where we were going when we were startled by the noise next to us. 

"Of course! the room of requirements" Ginny whispered beside us. 

"C, mon let's go in before somebody sees us," I told them both and we pushed the doors open. 

There were a couple of beds and hanging hammocks and when we explored the room further we found a cupboard full of ingredients and equipment for potions. 

"I can make more healing potion with everything here," I told them. 

"We have to tell the rest of the DA." Neville blurted out. 

"Ok, but we have to be really careful so no one finds out," Ginny warned us both. 


We left the room of requirements and resumed our day, as usual, trying not to show any sign to the Slytherins and death eaters that we had found a hideout. Once class was over and all the Gryffindors headed back to the common room we told the members of the DA to come down after dark and meet us in the common room. 

We thought it would be more efficient if we let the DA members in Gryffindor know first and this way it would be a little easier to spread the word to the rest of the members in other houses. 


Finally, it was dark, Ginny, Neville, and I made our way down and there were a few people there already. 

"Muffiato," I whispered pointing at the two stairs and the door once everyone was here. 

"Ok everyone, y/n, Neville, and I have found something. Something that can help us all." I could see she was dying to tell them. 

"Remember the room of requirements?" Neville asked and everyone nodded "It's opened up for us again, and there's everything we need in there to hide out." Neville finished explaining. 

I saw smiles emerge on everyone's faces. "We'll still have to come out for classes but we could all stay there," I added. "Now we have to find a way to let the rest of the DA know without getting caught. Any ideas?" 

"The enchanted galleons," Seamus told us as if it was obvious. 

"Of course, but they still wouldn't know where to go, they only show a time and date for the next meeting," I explained to them all. 

"We could let one person of each house know, they can do the same thing we did here," Colin suggested. 

Ginny, Neville, and I turned to face each other and gave a nod of approval. "Brilliant. Now all eyes are constantly on me so I can't be the one to do it. We'll do it in classes where we know the Carrows won't be. Colin, you're in charge of telling Susan, Ginny you tell Cho. Neville, Seamus, and I will try to keep all eyes on us in the meantime." I finished. 

Everyone gave a nod of approval before we all headed back to our dorms as quietly as possible. 


Everything was carried out within the next few days, Seamus, Neville, and I were pretty badly beaten from all of the times spent with the Carrows. They never missed an opportunity to hurt us and we had become pretty good at speaking up and opposing them on their views. 

I had noticed that Draco hadn't been in school for 2 months now and I knew that wasn't a good sign. I knew it meant one of two things, either they were getting closer to finding Harry or they were almost ready to take me. 

I could tell a couple of people were losing hope, no one had heard anything about Harry in 8 months. The only thing that was still keeping people a little uplifted was Potterwatch which we were able to listen to in the room of requirements thanks to a radio presenting to us. 

We had also had trouble finding food for the first couple of weeks but then a passage opened up that lead to the Hog's Head pub. Neville and I had been the ones to venture through it and met up with Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother. He was kind enough to provide us with food. 


I was walking alone down the halls when I saw a figure down the end of one. I recognized him instantly. I took a deep breath knowing what this meant. 

"I'm sorry." I heard someone whisper behind me before I felt arms wrap around my mouth and body. 

"Stop it!" I heard someone yell. 

The arms released me and I saw Seamus running down a corridor. "Seamus don't! It's ok, just tell Romulus I'll find a way back." I winked with a forced smile before I saw Draco lift his wand from in front of me and stun Seamus. 

"I'm so sorry y/n," Theodore spoke behind me with pain in his voice. 

"It's ok Theo, let's just get it over with," I told him before he lifted his wand. Everything went black. 

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