Leader : The curse should've work!

The group took notice of him and went in to attack but he used genjutsu on all of them similar to Y/N. Stopping them in their tracks.

Sasuke : Release the children.

The woman who revealed her self and performed hand seals dispelling the curse. Sasuke went back out and checked Y/N's tongue to see that the curse was gone. Y/N was then released from the genjutsu. Looking up he saw Sasuke.

Sasuke : Where are you from?

Y/N : The land of lighting. A village not far from here.

Sasuke : The other children?

Y/N : We all come from the land of lighting but from different villages.

He carried a demeanor similar to himself quietly and reserved similar to Itachi.

Sasuke walked Y/N back to the other children followed by the bandits and woke them up. After questioning them they had all been kidnapped from their villages and put to work for the thieves. Wanting to ensure their safety Sasuke walked them all back to their villages whilst dropping the bandits at a jail. One by one the children splintered off from the main group and returned to their parents. After a few hours, nighttime had set in and only one child remained, Y/N.

Sasuke : Where to your village?

Y/N : We passed my village long ago.

Sasuke : Then you should return. Return to your parents?

Y/N : Why would I return to gravestones?

Surprised by the response he further questioned.

Sasuke : How'd they die?

Y/N : The war. I was born right before the conflict. They were called to action and I didn't see them again. So I was taken to an orphanage.

He didn't seem at all bothered by the whole thing. As if he were telling a boring story. Sasuke couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him.

Sasuke : Then what will you do?

Y/N : I dont have a purpose, so I dont know?

Y/N remained silent then was surprised by a hand reaching out to him.

Sasuke : If you have no purpose. Find one. Come with me.

Y/N looked at Sasuke and behind him the moon was full showing a beautiful light. Y/N reached out and took his hand. He felt a ray of hope that wasn't overbearing it was controlled and comforting. The two walked to an inn in the village they were in and got ready to call it a night.

Y/N : So what's your name?

Sasuke : Sasuke Uchiha.

Y/N : As in the one who fought in the war?

Sasuke : *Nods*

Y/N : No wonder we didn't stand a chance against you.

Sasuke : You used genjutsu against me. Who taught you?

Y/N : When I was taken by the bandits they taught small scale genjutsu for distraction. Though they weren't too extensive with what they taught so I'm fairly limited.

Sasuke : Makes sense. Now lets go to bed. I have something to take care of tomorrow and then we have a trip to get back to the leaf village.

A/N - For those who may be asking why I just dont use Sasuke's Rinnegan portal. I dont know its range, the wiki has one but is says (0-10m) whether it be meters or miles, it wouldn't be enough. Also, I dont know how long Sasuke's had the ability seeing that It only first debut in Boruto's respective universe.

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