vernonchwe: yall be dating istfg

wangyilin: pls,, if there were anyone who even has the slightest interest in me my mom wouldnt be tryna marry me off to u at every given chance @vernonchwe

kimsoyeon: your mom is tryna what💀

vernonchwe: HAHAHAHAHAHAH^^

kimsoyeon: no wait this is serious🤡 your mom really tryna marry you off to chwe???


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"Who's this?" Xiao Zhan cornered me accusingly the next morning, his phone raised, screen depicting the post I made yesterday.

I raised both my hands in mock surrender, "A friend. Why?"

He frowned, "I thought you were together together with Captain!"

My brows skyrocketed at the absurd idea. "Minghao?" I laughed. "Nah, no. Man's family, mate."

He made a sound, then squinted closer at Yangyang in the picture, observing. "He's pretty good looking."

I side-eyed him, nudging, "Interested?" I slung an arm around his shoulder, "I can introduce you to him, no problem."

He patted my arm, pocketting his phone. "别别别,小的哪敢跟老娘您抢男朋友啊?(Nope nope nope, it's fine. My peasant ass haven't rights to so much as touch your boyfriend.)"

"你胡说什么?我哪来的男朋友呀?(That's some high level bullshit, bro. What boyfriend?)" I balked, raising an accusing finger.

He grinned cheekily. "It just a matter of time before one of you slip up and confess, isn't it?"

I squinted at him in disbelief, "I think there's some misconception here. This guy is really not my boyfriend-"




yilin: luvs

yilin: are any of yall coming for the next tennis match

yilin: kinda missed yall🥺

yanjun: aw yilin wbk u missed me

yanjun: clearly no one in ur wretched new school looks as good as i do

yanjun: dont worry

yanjun: im coming

yanjun: gotta cleanse your eyes with some nice sight

yanjun: no need to thank me😚

yanjun: just doing my part as a kindhearted friend

tzuyu: what's this overwhelming sense of deja vu im feeling

yangyang: LMFAO YOU? @yanjun

yangyang: kind hearted my ass

yanjun: nownow i don't know for sure why you guys hate me

yanjun: but i have a good feeling it's because im good looking, kind and smart all at once

yanjun: hence yall be real jelly belly

yanjun: so im here to tell yall

yanjun: actually YALL ARENT THAT BAD TOO🤩

yanjun: yall are pretty good looking i mean^^

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