Chapter 51

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"Do you see what I mean by you putting me in unsafe situations?!" If I'm being honest, I didn't think this would happen any time soon and now I don't know how to handle it. "Well how was I suppose to know he was coming?!" She looked up at me. You could tell she was ready to fuck it all and leave again but I wasn't gonna let that happen.
"Who the fuck is he Billie?!

If I tell her, everything else has to fall into place. I have to tell her all the shit I've been hiding and I don't think I'm ready for that. "Alexa's brother.." I whisper looking down at my lap and back up at her. "What? Speak up i can't hear you.."

"Alexa's brother!" She squinted her eyes, sitting down next to me. "How do you know that?" There's a lot of things I kept from Riley just to keep her mind at ease but now it's all coming back to haunt me. "She showed me a picture of him when I hung with her. I guessed it because of the name on the paper. That's the only Adam I know."

"So basically her brother knows we killed her?!" She yells at the top of her lungs as if we're not literally in a hotel, living next door to people. "Shhhhh baby don't be so loud! I don't know how he knows or if he even knows yet. But I gotta call him and see what he wants." I stood up, leaning down to give her a kiss before leaving the room again.

"H-hello? Adam?" My heart is beating faster than it ever has in my life. "Well well well if it isn't the sister killer." Oh okay.. so he does know. Great! Amazing! "What do you want?" Whatever he's about to hit me with, I know I won't be able to give to him. "I want your little girlfriend. Maybe use her for sex. I wanna sell her for a couple thousand. Maybe 10."

"No. What's in it for me?" Not that I would agree but.. if it's beneficial, maybe I would. "I won't tell the cops and you won't rot in prison. That's what's in it for you." I look around, making sure nobody's listening before I say what I'm about to say. "How about I get half the money? I'll hand her over right now."

"Nah.. I just want the girl. I'm not sharing shit with you." Welp that deal is off. "Come on bro just let it go. You didn't even care about Alexa like I did." I huff, getting ready to hang up. Nothing he's saying is in my interest right now.

"Oh so all of a sudden you cared about my sister? She told me differently. She said you almost fucked her in the back of your car? Is that true bil? Did you tell your little girlfriend that? I bet she would love to hear that story. The way she left hickeys all over your neck. How you forgot in the moment that you had a whole girlfriend waiting at home for you but somehow you wanted my sister. Oh and I bet Riley didn't know you were gonna leave her for Alexa, now did she? Give me the girl or I'll tell the cops. Only one option."

Fuck. "O-okay fine."

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