Chapter 37

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It's been a week since what happened and I've been so paranoid to leave her home alone when I go to work but I don't have a choice. "Baby you don't have to leave the gun there while you're gone. I'm not gonna use it."

"You will if somebody comes in this house. Don't even hesitate, just shoot their ass. I'll just take the blame if it happened." I've been to prison many times and I can take it, she can't. "Even if you do kill they ass, it's self defense so you probably won't get in trouble but just keep it there for protection. I'll teach you how to use it one day."

"Can you stay here please bil?" She raps her arms around my waist as I put on my shoes. "We could watch movies, talk about girl stuff.." I turn around kissing her lips. "I've missed 3 days of work already baby. I can't today." She get's out of bed, blocking the door.

"Get your lil ass out of the way so I can go." I laugh trying to pick her up. "N-no baby!" She yells putting up a fight. At this point she's acting like a toddler. "Okay come to work with me then." She stops scratching her head. "You want me to go? With you?" I nod looking at the time. "If you wanna go.. I'm giving you 20 mins to be ready or I'm leaving your ass."

I walk downstairs looking for something to eat. I look down at shark waiting by the door for me to take him out. "Fine I'll take you for a walk, annoying ass." I put his leash on opening the door. "BABY IM TAKING SHARK FOR A WALK! BE READY WHEN I COME BACK!" I'm tired of yelling.

I start walking the same way I always do. I don't know what it was but I felt like somebody was watching me so I turn around to a white van slowly following me from behind. "What the hell?" I whisper trying to speed up. I look around for somebody at least sitting on their porch or something so I could ask for help but it's 9am and nobodies outside right now.

"you need some help?!" I hear a familiar voice behind me. It's him. The creepy ass man I see everyday. "No sir I'm okay. There's just this van that's following me." I said it so casually as if it was normal to be followed. "How bout you come over to this side of the street so they know you're not alone." I nod crossing the street to where he is. "Hey little guy!" He pats shark. I hate when people touch my dog, it's just something that really pisses me off.

"So where we're you about to head to?" We start walking back to my house but he turns a corner, probably wanting me to follow him. "Uh where are you taking me?" He turns around and keeps walking. "To my house till that van moves." He points to it behind me. So basically this is where I get kidnapped. "I- okay." I whisper following him to his.

"We're here!" He says excitedly. I smiled but it's clear I'm uncomfortable. He unlocks his door but I noticed that he had three locks. Who the fuck has three locks on their front door? Killers. "Here it is." He says walking in. I'm not gonna lie, it looks pretty beat up. There's so much dust everywhere. His furniture is covered with this white plastic paper. He has bear cans all over the place. What the hell am I doing here. The windows are covered with this black screen stuff and if I'm being honest, I'm bouta run.

"Would you like something to drink? Water or anything?" I'm not gonna judge the way he lives because at one point I was in his same position but I'm not drinking shit from this house but my spit. "No I'm okay sir thank you." He nods sitting down on the kitchen table. "You know you can call me Albert if you want. You don't have to keep saying sir." Of course his name is fucking Albert.

"Oh okay.." I'm way more talkative than this but damn he's creeping me out. "So why do you think that van was following you?" I don't wanna tell him what I'm thinking about because what if he really is tryna set me up? So I'll just be quiet and lie. "I don't know. Could just be someone's work van or something." He nods sipping on his water.

"You look so beautiful today.." He whispers, slightly putting his hand on mines. I look down at shark laying next to my foot to avoid eye contact. "Hey.." He says lifting my chin up. If he keeps touching my ass, I'm blowing his fucking house into flames. "Hmm?" I say looking at him.

"I said you look beautiful today." I heard him the first time, clearly. "Oh.. Uh thank you sir." He looks like he's getting mad that I'm not giving him the energy he wants. "I said to call me Albert, Billie." I did not tell him my name. Not once. So how the fuck does he know it? My heart is pounding and I feel sick to my stomach.

He puts his hand on my thigh, looking me straight in my eyes. He has this creepy look, like he knows what he's doing. I can't freak out because if I do, he'll freak out too. I've been in these situations with some of my foster parents when I was younger. The way to get out of situations is to be calm and pretend. I guess past trauma does pay off sometimes, but I shouldn't  have gotten myself in this situation. I did though. Only because I'm always scared to say no.

I look outside, seeing the same white van parking in the front and these two men getting out. I don't wanna make it known that I seen it, so I look back down at my hands. "You okay?" He says as if he really cares, but he doesn't. I can just tell he's trying his hardest to be patient with me before he
spazzes out. "Can I um- can I go to the bathroom please? I forgot to go before I left." I say smiling as hard as I could so he could believe me.

"Go ahead. It's right around the corner." He points as I stand up taking shark with me. "Hurry back!" He yells. I found the bathroom, running in and locking the door. "This shit is disgusting." I whispers looking around at the moldy sink. You can tell he hasn't washed this shit since he moved in.

"Baby.." I whisper on the phone, hoping he can't hear me from outside. "What's taking you so long to get here? I'm ready." I'm so anxious right now that I can't even speak the way I want to. Breathe Billie, breathe. "I uh- never mind babe. I didn't mean to call you. I'm on- I'm on my way." It's obvious I'm lying. "You sure you're okay? You sound out of breathe or something?"

"Yeah I'm fine mama. I love you okay? I love you so much." Not to be dramatic, but I don't know if that's the last time I'll say that to her. "I love you too weirdo. See you when you get home." I hung up, putting my phone in my pocket. The reason I didn't tell her to get help is because I knew if she came here, they would try to take her too and I can't let that happen. I don't care what happens to me, as long as she's safe.

"YOU OKAY IN THERE?!" Shit shit shit. I don't know what to do. I look at shark and back at the door. "YEAH I'M FINE. I'M JUST WASHING MY HANDS. I'LL BE OUT IN A MINUTE!" I need to get out because the smell of this bathroom is gonna kill me before he does. I turn around, seeing a open window.

"Come on shark.." I whisper grabbing him, trying to figure out a way to jump through the window. As I'm about to let shark out, I see the two man that got out the van, in the back by the shed. "Fuck!" I whisper closing the window. "Now what?!" Maybe I'll just flirt my way out of this.

I open the door, walking back to the kitchen where he's sitting. "What took you so long beautiful?" He smiles patting the seat where I was before. "I uh- just girl problems." I just lied through my teeth." He nods sipping on his water again. "I'm gonna go have a smoke in the backyard.. I'll be back in 5mins. Don't try anything." He laughs in a joking manner, but I knew he was serious. He gets up, opens the door and slams it on his way out.

"Come on shark let's go." I say running to the front door. I try opening it but it wouldn't even budge. "Please don't fucking tell me it's locked from the outside?!"

(To be continued😌)

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