Chapter 1

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Billie's pov
I think I came off a little too strong. "Hi young lady. How may I help you?" I really wish I was kidding when I said that all of this is only so that I could eat at night.

I came close to her ear. "I need you to stay calm."
She looks up from the cash register and realizes the gun in my hand. "Ma'am w-what's going on?" I put the gun to her head, as everyone else in the store stops in shock. "Give me the money."

She starts to breathe heavily, crying for me to put the weapon down. "OPEN THE REGISTER AND GIVE ME THE MONEY NOW. I really don't wanna hurt you but I will if I have to." She slowly opens it, handing me everything she could as I ran out with my heart beating faster than it ever has in my life. "Shit" I whisper as I run to the car.

"Shit shit shit!" I yell, starting the car up as I speed home. "What if they try looking for me? What if I go to prison again?" I start to panic, not realizing the trauma I just caused that innocent lady.

"fuck." I get out the car, punching in the code to my apartment complex. I look around outside to see if anybody was following me. Nobody? Good. I used the elevator to walk to my beat up ass apartment and as I open the door, shark runs up to me.

"Hi baby boy!" I threw my bag on the countertop, grabbing my lighter and cigarettes and going to the little staircase outside my window, hoping to forget everything that happened tonight but I knew I never would.

Maybe this is the beginning of something I never wanted, but I guess you could blame my family for the way I needed up. I don't wanna live the way that I am but I have no choice anymore. I gotta do what I gotta do to stay alive and prove them wrong.

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