Chapter 40

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I woke up to 20 missed calls from Alexa. I haven't talk to her in weeks since I've seen her at the store and I didn't plan on it.

I quietly get out of bed, tiptoeing to the bathroom. "Hello?" I whisper. "Hey Billie um can I come inside I'm kind of outside already." There's no way she's here and if she is, I'll just force her to leave. "No I'll come outside. Gimme a second."

I get dressed, walking to her car. "What do you want? Riley's gonna wake up soon so hurry your shit up." She sits up, looking around like she's trying to hide from someone. "So do you know that man that lives down the street?"

"Yeah what about him?" She breathes in heavily before saying the worse shit possible. "He tried to kidnap me last night. I was walking back home and he literally tried to grab me and run but I punched him and left." She looked down and back up out the window.

"and please don't be mad but I was the one that snuck into your house the other day. I was trying to talk to you and you wouldn't answer my calls. The door was unlocked so I just walked in and clearly you weren't downstairs so I went upstairs and um-"


You can tell she was scared. When I get mad, I get mad and nothing can stop it. "I-I'm so sorry b-billie. I keep messing what we have up and I'm sorry! You scared me when you were about to open the door so I ran and left."

"We don't have shit going on, that's the problem. You think we have some shit between us and we don't. I don't fucking want you I'm sorry. Take a hint."

"You weren't saying that when I was sucking on your neck, wanting me to go in the backseat with you so you could blow my back out." I'm about to kill this bitch in her own fucking car and throw her in a lake. "And you know you're attracted to me. You told me you've have a crush on me since before you knew me and the only thing stopping us from being something is you believing that Riley is who you want when you could have me at any second."

I can't take this shit anymore. "Stop talking! I don't fucking want you. Stop coming to my house. Stop calling me. Stop popping up where I am and trying to change my mind. And stop telling me about your problems when I could care less. I don't care, damn."

I got out slamming the door behind me. I walked back in letting out a sign. "Shorty is gonna be the death of me." I whisper walking to the kitchen. As I sit down, I notice a light blinking in the corner. I walk over to it. "A fucking camera?! Are you kidding me?"  This bitch put a camera in my own fucking house.

"Baby.." I whisper kissing her cheek to wake her up faster. "Hmm?" She turns over, whipping her eyes. "We have to move. It's not safe here Riley." She turns back around snoring again. "BABY! We have to leave now!" She huffs sitting up. "W-what are you talking about bil. Let me sleep."

"We have to move. Alexa was the one that snuck in the other day and put a fucking camera in the kitchen. I don't know why but I don't feel safe at all. And that creepy ass man tried to kidnap her and I-"

"Calm the hell down. How bout we just kill all of them and pretend this shit never happened." So she's tryna put us in prison for the rest of our lives. "I'm not fucking playing baby. You think everything's a joke when clearly I'm scared."

"Okay okay. We can move but I don't know where to."

"I'll figure it out."

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