Chapter 3: Family

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"Dad!" I stood up immediately and practically jumped on him.

He set down his bags from the store and hugged me tightly back.

"Hi Leylah." I could feel his chin dig into my shoulder as he did when he smiled in a hug. I did enjoy how he used my full name.

He made his way into the kitchen, kissing my mom on the way. He quickly started to put away the groceries as he heated up a pan.

As he was sorting everything everything out, my sister came out of my parents bedroom. She must have been on a call that entire time.

Shocked to see me there, she ran up to me and hugged me with one of her hugs that almost knocks you complely over.

"LEYLAH!" she screamed.

"Mags!!" I was just as excited to see her. I had so many questions on how her alone life was going here. She was younger than me by a year, but she had her mind a little but more set on success. She knew that she wanted to work in fashion, and it showed.

"What's wrong? " she asked as her grip on my loosened, but she didn't let go. She started to rub my back a bit.

" What do you mean? " I looked at her in confusion.

She pulled me away a bit. " Don't act like I don't know you."

I rolled my eyes and she gave me the look of "We'll talk later"

"You look amazing Mags." She really did. She was always the one who looked kept together. She had on her favorite black skirt and white top. She wore white flats that made her look like a model. It wasn't forced like my mother's, but I glanced back at myself again. Had I missed a memo? I looked back at her and observed her makeup and hair. Her dark brown hair had a natural curl and flower over her shoulders effortlessly. Of course her face looked beautiful too.

"You do too Ley"

With this I had to scoff at her.

"You really do." she said it in the way that she does when she knows that she's right.

Not even.

We both made our way into the kitchen which attached to a small room for a table area and sat down.

"Well dad, what's on the menu?" I asked.

"Fettuccine Alfredo. Everyone's favorite "

Thank God. I needed some amazing food from my dad right now.

Until the meal was ready my mom and sister chatted bringing me in a few times, but I never really fit into it because they were talking about all that they had discovered. Not my best area right now.

"Bon Appetite my lovelies!" my dad set down the plates for us. None of us even spoke, it tasted too good.

I decided to put on some music. Might as well listen to something good while we ate in silence. Nobody protested when I put on Pandora. I turned to my first station which was Jason Mraz and walked back to the table gleefully. After I'm yours was over, a new voice came through the speakers. I stopped my eating as everyone carried on. This voice calmed me like non had done before. It almost sounded... angelic. I found myself eating but my eyes were closed the entire time.

Lie down with me.

Cuddle me up.

And cuddle me in.

Who was this mystery voice?

"Leylah?" my mom snapped me out of my dream.

"Sorry, that was just... really beautiful music. Do any of you know who that is? "

My dad was the first to respond. "I'm almost positive that it's Ed Sheeran."

I looked up and cocked my head. I had never heard of him before. "Who?"

"Ed Sheeran. He's so famous. How do you not know of him, you being so into music and all?"

I guess I had sheltered myself from the world after the accident and move.

"I don't know, maybe just never ran into it." I was so excited to research this new voice, and hopefully learn to love it.

"Well I do remember that he was one of Ben's favorites."

With this I sat in shock while my other family members nodded and talked about how he had a great taste in music.

"Ley? You're face is.. "

I couldn't stop myself. I ran out of the room, grabbed bag and my shoes, not even bothering to put them on, and I bolted through the door and down the stairs. Almost tripping at the bottom. When I collected myself enough to keep running, I pushed open the doors, not looking back.

It was night again and the dark hid my tears to others well. I ran past so many faces and didn't stop. I had forgotten how badly the tears from my brother burned.


Hi to anyone who is reading this. Please leave comments for me if you enjoy or have any advice. The next chapter will be eventful. Also, I'm a bit unsure of how to get more reads. Please help!! Thank you! Stay beautiful x :)

London's Calling : Ed Sheeran Fanfiction [Wattys 2015]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ