part twenty-one

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Ruby: I can't believe you and Person 3 broke the bed last night!

Weiss: Must have been a wild night.

Yang: Haha... Yeah...

[last night]

Blake: Bet you can't jump high enough to touch the ceiling!

Yang: Try me.


Yang: Are you a picture?

Blake: *tilts head curiously*

Yang: 'Cause I'd like to nail you on a wall.

Blake: Oh thank God, I thought you were going to say "I wanna hang you".


Weiss: What do you like most about a man?

Yang: Usually his girlfriend.


Weiss: I like your shirt

Ruby: Thanks, it was 50% off

Weiss: I'd like it 100% off

Ruby: The store can't just give out free stuff.

Weiss: That's not what I-

Ruby: That's a terrible way to run a business, Weiss.


Yang: *to the group* alright, listen up you little shits.

Yang: not you, Blake. you're an angel and we're all glad you're here.


Ruby: could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?

Weiss: [crouches down]

Blake: [kneels down]

Yang: [sits on the floor]


Ruby: I hate all of you.


Ruby: There's something stupid going on inside my head.

Weiss: It's called a thought.


Ruby: Weiss, you're the only one that understands me.

Weiss: Yeah, but it doesn't mean I care.


Weiss: Could you not use that word, Person B?

Yang: What, fanny? What's the big deal? We all have one.

Jaune: I don't.

Yang: You are one.


Blake: [absolutely freaking the fuck out]

Yang: Oh, hey, Blake. Sorry I'm late, I was brushing my teeth.

Blake, pausing everything and smiling nervously: That's good. Hygiene!


Yang: I've never been in a snowball fight before. I don't know the rules.

Weiss: What?

Yang: Is there a point system, or is it to the death?


Ruby: I was like, I'm gonna wake up early and do things!

Ruby: I woke up early.

Ruby: I did not do things.


Ruby: I think I pulled a muscle!

Weiss: You can't pull what you don't have.


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