part twelve

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Ruby: Do penguins have knees?

Blake: Yes, but you can't see them too well.

Yang: Well, they don't have knees anymore.

Rubyy: What do mean, not anymore?


Ruby: What do you MEAN-


Weiss: You look mentally ill.

Blake: I am. Let's go.


Weiss: Does it ever cross your mind that we dated before?

Ruby: Well, ever since you poured hot cheese on me when I wouldn't wake up one time- let's just say I tend not to think about it often.



Weiss: Really?! That's what did it for you? The fucking cheese???


Blake: We got a free day now. What do you wanna do? Eat? Sleep? Nap? Snack?


Ruby, walking into Blake and Yang's bedroom in the middle of the night: I had a bad dream.

Blake: What was it about?

Yang: No, don't ask her that!

Blake: Why not?

Yang: Cause she'll answer!


Blake: I want some fried pork fingers.

Yang: Those sound good.

Weiss: No fried pork fingers! You have to eat healthy.

Blake: Well, the finger happens to be the healthier part of the pork.


Blake: I'm so bored.

Yang: Ooh, why don't we play question/answer?

Blake: What's that?

Yang: A game I learned at camp. I ask you a question and you answer it and then you ask me a question and I answer it. And we just keep going.

Blake: That's called a conversation.


Blake: [emerges from underneath the table]

Yang: Had fun under there?

Blake: Yeah! I took a pic of your knees.

Yang: Why would you take a pic of my- man... my knees are hot.

Blake: [nodding excitedly]


Ruby: We either die free, or die trying!

Weiss: Are those the only choices?


Yang: Thanks for pulling the fire alarm, you saved me from giving an oral report about The Scarlet Web.

Blake: You were too lazy to read the book?!

Yang: I was too lazy to watch the movie.


Weiss: How are you gonna carve a gigantic pumpkin?

Ruby: The same way I make onion rings.

Ruby: [grabs a chainsaw]


Blake: So what's the plan?

Ruby: I don't know. You're smart, [points at Weiss] they're mean, come up with something.

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