"Okay I will"

"Okay thank you"

"Love you baby"

"I love you too mama"

I get up and go searching for my mom, "hey mom, would it be okay if my friend Ally and her dad comes over for lunch later today?"

"Yeah no problem"

"Okay, they'll be coming over in a hour, I'm gonna go have a shower"

"Okay sweetie"

I turn around and cringe on those words.

After I shower and get ready i go to the kitchen to help set up the table before they come over.

Right as I'm finished the doorbell rings, "I'll get it" I walk over to the door and open it.

"Hello!" Ally's dad says with a big smile.

"Hi, come in" I say gesturing for him to walk in.

He walks in and than Ally comes in behind him, both of our faces light up as we see eachother.

"Dad, can you go in and make sure Alexa's mom doesn't come over here?"

"Sure hun" he starts to look around not knowing where to go.

I laugh and point down the hall, "down the hall on the second entrance on the left"

He nods and walks over.

I turn around to miley and she smiles at me, I smile back and open my arms, she steps closer and I pull her in to a hug.

I look behind me and take her into the living room, i push her against the wall and connect our lips.

I keep it gentle and short, she looks at me and I know that she wants more, "mama, you and I know we can't here"

"I know baby, you're coming to my house tonight though"

I smile, "believe me mama, I'll actually be cumming in your house tonight"

She takes a deep breath in knowing what I mean.

I peck her lips and grab her hand and lead her to the kitchen, we let go as we walk in.

"Yeah... that's something" Ally's dad says as we walk in.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ally asks

"How my friend Diane's kids confessed to sinning"

Ally seems to get what she means and and she keeps her expression emotion less.

"Okay mom, let's not talk about that and let's just eat please"

She nods and we all sit down.

As we're eating Ally's dad talks to my mom about his work and she talks about her work, and than my mom asks about Ally's mom and they start to talk a little about her and than she starts to talk about my dad and how he was a messed up jerk for leaving our family for drugs.

I mutter under my breath how it doesn't sound like such a bad idea and Ally seems to hear me so she puts her hand on mine under the table to try to comfort me.

We than start to talk about how sad it is how school is really messing up the kids mental health and it's the only thing Ally's dad and my mom can really agree on.

"Yeah, that is why I decided to have Ally home schooled" Ally's dad says.

"Yeah, and also the bullies" Ally says.

"You had bullies?" I ask Ally almost laughing at the image of a amazingly gorgeous girl having people bully her, they probably only done it cause they were jealous.

After we talk more my mom gets a phone call, "hello?," she stands up from the table, "what?" She seems stressed, "okay okay, I'll be there"

"What is it mom?"

"They need me on night shifts starting today, I hate when they don't give me warning and just call me up like if j don't have other responsibilities"

"Oh" Is all that seems to leave my mouth.

"Alexa can sleep over at our house tonight if you'd like?" Ally's dad says and a slight smile spreads across my face.


"Of course,your daughter is very respectful and sweet, she's always welcome at my house" he says and I start to get a little emotional by having him be so generous towards me.

"Thank you so much mr William"

"Anytime mrs Johnson"

"Okay well I hope you'll be good my dear, I have to go now, I'm sorry I can't walk you out,you both seem very nice"

"Thanks mom bye" I say waving her off as she walks out of the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go grab my phone" I walk over to my room and grab my phone and walk back to the kitchen.

"How do you do it?" Mr William asks.

"Do what?"

"Deal with her"

I laugh, "honestly, I deal with it all until I go to your house with your daughter everything leaves my mind and it's like it all re sets and prepares me for another day with my family"

He smiles and looks to my side and I follow his gaze and its Ally looking at me with such loving eyes it makes me melt at the way she looks at me.

Mr William claps his hands together,"okay, let's get going"

Word count:1391
Next chapter will be better.
I hope everyone is being good to your selves, I love you all

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