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2 and a half years later.

"Thanks for letting me bring Lyric," I sighed as I grabbed a blending brush.

"Of course, she's adorable," Arianna assured me, bouncing Lyric on her lap, "I know this was last minute anyway, sorry about that."

"It's no problem at all! You aren't just a client, you're a friend!" I smiled, beginning to blend the eyeshadow into a Smoky eye.

"So, how is the married life?" Arianna asked me with a smile on her face.

"Absolutely amazing! I am obsessed with the fact that Billie is officially my wife and I don't have to call her my girlfriend anymore!" I explained with a large smile plastered on my lips.

As I was blending the eyeshadow into her eyelid my phone began ringing. I glanced at the vanity where my phone was sitting, seeing Billie's face timing me.

"Give me one sec," I said before putting the brush down and picking up the call. "Hey, babe," I smiled at the screen, seeing Billie sitting in the front seat of her car.

"Hi, beautiful. I'm done work for the day so I'm on my way home," she explained.

"I should be done in about half an hour!"

"Where's my baby angel?" Billie asked, peering into the screen. I flipped the camera, showing her Arianna playing with our baby girl.

"Awww, I can't wait to squish her. You didn't tell me you were doing Miss. Grande's makeup today!"

"It was last minute," I flipped the camera back to my face.

"Mm," she hummed with a head nod, "Also I was thinking about asking Finneas and Claudia to come over for dinner. Is that okay?"

"Yes! Lyric hasn't seen her cousin all week!"

"Great, I'll see you later baby," she blew me a kiss through the phone. I blew one back before ending the call and finishing Arianna's makeup.


"We're home!" I shouted as I was balancing my makeup suitcase, the diaper bag, and Lyric in my arms.

"MY BABIES!" Billie exclaimed, taking Lyric from my arms. I set my things down on the floor and peered up at Billie attacking Lyrics face with kisses. Lyric couldn't stop giggling as my wife tickled her. I smiled at them, plopping down on the couch.

"Has she napped yet?" Bil questioned.

"Not yet," I yawned.

"Why don't I go put her down for her nap and then I'll put you down for yours," she winked.

"Mhm," I nodded, closing my tired eyes. I felt Billie's plump lips on my cheek before hearing small whimpers coming from Lyric.

"Come here Buba," Billie cooed; I assumed she picked her up as her whimpers stopped. I heard her footsteps going up the stairs. I opened my eyes seeing Shark jumping onto the other end of the couch. "Sharky," I pouted, tapping the spot beside me. I began rubbing the top of her head as her eyes started to close.

Billie has been the best mom in the entire world. We've been able to divide the schedule well. With both of us having jobs, there have been hard times; but that's to be expected. For the first two months of Lyrics life, Billie always took the night shift willingly. I couldn't thank her enough, she's been my rock.

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