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A/N: Would you be mad if there was no more smut for the rest of the book? (8ish chapters left) It takes me so long to write but I can add it one more time if you want to be patient...or we could just not have anymore and the chapter would go faster. What's your opinion?

Also, this is the chapter you've all been waiting for and I'm hella nervous so please don't be too mean lmao.

I don't want to give away how this person dies but I do want to give you a Trigger Warning. If you have read every word of the book up to this point then there is nothing new.


"You ready?" Ava asked as she smiled through the screen.

"Wait, what do you think it will be?" I asked Cameron.

"I was thinking boy before, but now I'm thinking girl," He answered with a smile on his face.

It's been a few days since we got home. The days have mostly been filled with unpacking and settling back in. I've basically been texting Ava non-stop and she's actually super sweet; I'm happy she's the one having my niece or nephew. Cam has been doing better since I saw him but he's still not himself and he hasn't returned to work. Ava has been a rock, she's going through pregnancy but still helps Cam whenever he needs her. I have a huge appreciation for her.

I've been trying to get ahold of Skylar but she doesn't budge. I made a deal with Dallas that I would stop by later today and he wouldn't tell her. I understand she's probably embarrassed but I'm ready to put this all behind us as long as she agrees not to hang out with Blair anymore. Dallas told me that Blair has come over a few times when we were on tour. I don't know what's going through Skylar's head but I'm hoping we can have a civil conversation tonight.

"I think it's going to be a boy," Billie adds as she lays next to me.

"I think girl, what about you Millie?" Ava asked with an excited smile.

"Hmm, I'm with Cameron. I thought boy up until this point," I smile.

"Really? Watch all of you be wrong," Billie chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay," Ava took a deep breath, slowly unfolding the paper from the doctor.

Billie and I watched as Cam and Ava's faces lit up, both of them becoming teary-eyed.

"So?!" I asked, awaiting the sex of the baby.

"We're having a little girl," Ava exclaimed with happy tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm gonna have a little princess," Cameron smiled, "I bet she'll look like you, Millie."

"NO WAY! I'M GOING TO HAVE A NIECE!" I shouted with excitement.

"I'm gonna spoil her rotten," Billie smiled with just as much excitement as the rest of us.

"Oh damn, our baby's drip is gonna be wild, she gonna be crawlin around all Gucci gang and shit," Cam laughed.

"Damn right," Billie smirked.

"Please don't spend your money on that, Billie," Ava laughed.

"I don't even need to, they'll just send me shit."

I pushed Billie playfully before looking back at Cam and Ava. They seem to be becoming closer and more serious since finding out about the baby. They are talking about renting an apartment with two rooms, one for them and one for the baby.

"You can name her Bil Mil," Billie added.

"That's literally the stupidest name I've ever heard of," I raised a brow at her.

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