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A/N: I just almost called this chapter "fiftenn" so that's a fun fact.

TW: Homophobia.

When I walked back into Billies room after using the washroom, they had 'The Office' playing. Skylar was obnoxiously laughing at the show as Billie was scrolling through her phone, paying no attention to the show.

I sat back down on the bed beside Billie and began watching her phone screen as she scrolled through her tagged photos.

"We should do something fun," Sky clapped, pausing the show.

"What's not fun about this?" Billie asked, her eyes still on her phone.

"What were you thinking?" I asked Skylar, ignoring Billies comment.

"I don't know. Prank call Dallas, truth or dare?"

"What are we? Twelve?" Billie gave her a disgusted look.

"Fine, how about we do your makeup?" Sky proposed.

"Ugh, Noooo," Bil groaned.

"Why not? It would be fun. We could do like an extreme look that you've never had before," Sky went on.

"I think that's a horrible idea, plus I have no makeup...."

I tuned out their playful bickering when I noticed my dad was calling me. I paced around the room with shaky hands, anxiously lifting the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke quietly.

"Millie, I'd like you to come home. I want to talk to you and see if you've changed your mind, and if you have not; then I want your things removed from my house."

"I-ugh, right now?"


I hung up and looked at the two who seemed to have now worked things out.

"So Billie and I agreed on what we can do, we're gonna go get Taco Bell." Sky smiled widely.

"Um, my dad just called," I mumbled; watching Billies face morph from a smile into a look of concern.

"I'm uh, he asked if I changed my mind, and if I haven't I'm supposed to get all my stuff out of the house," I explained, mostly to Billie.

"Changed your mind?" Sky asked in a confused voice.

"I'm gay Skylar," I said plainly. She nodded her head, letting out a small "oh."

"I don't want to go back there, Billie," I pleaded.

She stood up from her bed and engulfed me in a hug whispering an "it will be okay," in my ear. She pulled away and looked at Skylar, "You stay here, me and Millie will be back," is all she said before grabbing my hand and walking me into the bathroom. She closed the door and held both my hands in hers.

"We'll just go in, get your stuff and come back, yeah?"

"He said he wanted to talk."

"You don't have to talk if you don't want to." She assured me.

"W-what if he hits me again?"

"I won't let him hurt you, I promise," She whispered, kissing my forehead.

I nodded my head, hugging her before we walked to my house. I opened the door slowly, walking in with Billie by my side. I couldn't hear or see my parents so we walked up into my room but when I opened the door, my dad was sitting on my bed.

"You change your mind?" He asked.

"That's not really how it works," I mumbled.

"You can choose at any moment to pray the gay away."

"Seriously?" Billie chuckled with anger, "Clearly you don't know how this works so let me explain a little something to you." She got closer to him, getting angrier with every second that passed.

"Let me get this straight, you think that Millie chose to be gay? You really think she chose to have a million sleepless nights crying over her sexuality? You think she chose to have a constant battle in her head about who she loves and who she doesn't?" Her voice got louder, " You think she chose this, just to have worry whether or not her own fucking parents would still love her or not? You think she chose this, just to have her own father slap her in the face?" Billie fumed.

"It's not my fault," my dad shrugged.

"Oh my fucking god," Billie shouted with anger.

"Billie," I sniffled. She looked back at me and her face instantly softened.

"You know what Brad? You're missing out on being able to spend time with the most perfect girl on this planet and I hope one day you come to your fucking senses." She ended, walking back to me and dragging me down the stairs.

"What about my stuff?" I asked hurriedly.

"We can get it another time."


All class I couldn't really concentrate and Dallas could tell. He invited me to his place after class while Skylar was out with some other friends. I explained everything to him and I really wish I had his supportive parents.

"I'm so sorry," Dallas hugged me.

"It's okay, I'm at Billie's for now."

"If you ever need another place, you know you can always stay with us," Dallas assured me.

"I know," I sighed, leaning back against the couch. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything babe!"

"So I kinda have this thing with someone and it's good but," I paused to think of how I'm going to word this without being obvious about who it is, "I don't know what we are and I don't know what she thinks we are."

"Have you had sex yet?" He asked bluntly.

"No, and I'm scared that if we do, things will be messed up between us."

"But you've kissed?"

"Yeah?" I questioned, wondering what he's trying to get at.

"So she's clearly into you as a person and doesn't just want sex."

"This is so frustrating," I groaned, running my hands over my face, "Usually I'd talk to Billie about this sort of thing. Not that this sort of thing has ever happened to me."

"Hey! I can give good advice," he playfully hit my leg, "but why can't you talk to Billie?"

I stared down at my lap, picking at my nails.

"Oh, I see," he nodded, "it is Billie."

"Dallas you can't tell anyone," I sat up, staring into his eyes, "Not Sky, not your boy toy, not your parents, not-"

"I got it," he nodded, cutting me off.

"No, Dallas, I'm so fucking serious. This could break Billie's entire career and mess up her whole life, she'd never forgive me."

"Millie, I swear on my parent's lives," he said seriously.

I took a deep breath, accepting the fact that he knows. I have no reason at all not to trust him, he's kept secrets before.

"Okay, so. You make out with Billie, is anything else different?"

"I don't know... we haven't really said 'I love you' since we kissed. She doesn't do exclusive relationships and I'm scared."

"god, what have I gotten myself into?" I sighed.

A/N: Kinda hate this chapter but it's fine. I'm trying to plan out this entire book so that I actually know how to end it and shit. What do you all want to see?

Should I add more characters?

Do you think Millie's parents are going to change?

How do you want the book to end? (don't worry it's not ending anytime soon, I'm just planning ahead)

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