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"I think I want to tell you something."

"What's up?" She asked softly.

"I-umm" I stuttered out.

"What's wrong?" she asked in a worried tone of voice.

"Nothing I'm just, I'm really glad I have you and I never want anything to ruin anything between us. Y'know? Like if I ever say something stupid?" I mumbled out quickly while staring at the ceiling.

"What do you mean? Nothing is ever going to happen to our friendship," she replied in a concerned voice and I could feel her stares.

"I don't know, I guess these drugs are getting to me," I faked a laugh.

"Just get some sleep, beautiful." She kissed the top of my head once again and I hummed in response before my eyelids fell shut.


"I'm fine mom, I don't need a fucking wheelchair" I demanded.

"I assure you, Mrs. Hill, we've taught her everything she needs to know about using crutches," the nurse assured my overly concerned mother.

"and watching her fall on her ass would be funny anyway," my brother said with a straight face. I smacked his arm as hard as I could and it didn't even make him flinch, he just sent me a cocky smile.

"Cameron this isn't a joke," mom shot him a glare, my brother holding his hands up in mock surrender.

Once finally convincing my mom that I didn't need a wheelchair, we were in the car on the way back to my house. I was in the hospital for a total of three nights as they had to monitor the medication they prescribed me for the pain. Cameron stayed with me the other two nights since Billie had early meetings the other two mornings. It was nice to spend some time catching up with Cam but I hardly slept with his annoying snoring coming from the sleeping bench on the other side of the room as well as my fear of hospitals.

I plan on staying at Billie's tonight, I just have to convince my parents that all will be well. I've been prescribed some pain medication and was given very specific instructions on when to take them. I'm also not allowed to put any weight on my left foot for two weeks. Right now though, I need a fat nap.


I was woken up by a constant ringing coming from my phone. I groaned in annoyance before picking up my phone and seeing it was Billie Facetiming me. My annoyance turned into happiness immediately.

"Hey Bils" I smiled into the screen.

"Hey M, sorry did I wake you?" She frowned apologetically, seeing me curled up in the blankets.

"Yeah but it's okay, what's up?"

"Sorry, I'm done all my work for the day. I was wondering if you wanted to come get food with me and then we can watch a movie?"

"I'd love that," I mumbled with a dopey expression.

"Alright, I'll be there in ten minutes"

"Drive safe"

"Promise," she held up her pinky, making me let out a giggle before she hung up.

"MOM" I shouted. I heard fast footsteps running up the stairs and my door was swung open.

"What's wrong?" She asked in a panicked tone.

"Nothing," I laughed at her intenseness, "Billie is going to be here in ten, were getting food and watching a movie at her place"

"Okay as long as you're back by ten for your medication."

"Oh, I'm also staying there for the night," I bit the inside of my cheek hoping she won't make a big deal about it.

She let out a loud sigh, clearly wanting me to hear it. "Set an alarm for ten so you don't forget and text me to let me know you have taken them."

"Okay," I nodded.


I watched Billie with a smirk on my face as she opened up the passenger side door and helped me into her car, taking the crutches from me once I was safely inside. She shut my door carefully and put my crutches in the trunk before hopping into the driver's side. As she got in I gave her a goofy smile.

"What?" She chuckled as she buckled herself in.

"Nothing, just remembering the time you let me drive your car," I smirked.

"Yeah that's never happening again" she exaggerated the 'never'.

"What? I was driving perfectly fine. You're the one who decided to grab the wheel and steer straight into a tree. Luckily I had fast enough reflexes to slam on the breaks."

"Yeah, whatever. You're still never driving my baby ever again," she cocked an eyebrow.

"Okay," I said in a sing-song voice.


"BILLIE!" I shouted, "why'd you pause it here? I was so invested."

"I have to pee" she shrugged, getting up from her bed. Before she opened up her door she looked back at me and pointed at me, "and don't you dare play it when I'm gone," she demanded.

Once she left the room I laid flat on her bed, looking around the room. I remember the first time Billie showed me the writing on her walls that is covered by a Louis Vuitton blanket. She was scared to show me at first but it didn't change the way I looked at her or thought about her. I just knew a little more about her after that. The wall holds some of her deepest secrets, thoughts, dreams, and ideas. To some people, the writing and drawings on her wall probably look like a mess. Billie is a complex person with a somewhat confusing mind, but once you know her, you understand who fucking brilliant and creative she really is.

I haven't looked at the wall in months so I figured I'd take a peek. When I pulled the blanket to the side, I noticed a few new words and drawings. The first thing that caught my eye was the words "'the way she looks at me.'

Before I could read anything else I heard Billie's door open. "MILLIE" Billie shouted. I was shocked at her loud tone and immediately let the blanket drop back into place, turning around to look at Billie. She looked like she was just caught doing something highly illegal.

"What?" I shouted back at her in shock.

Billie didn't move a muscle, just moving her eyes back and forth between the wall and me.

"W-what did you all see on the wall?" She stuttered out nervously.

"Literally nothing I swear!"

"Are you lying?" She mumbled.

"No, why would I lie? Also, there's nothing you have to hide from me anyway....is there?"

"No," she sighed, finally walking back to her bed, "There's just something written on there that I'm not ready to share yet, but I'll tell you someday... When I'm ready," she said truthfully.

"It's okay Billie, I didn't see anything I didn't already know, and whenever you're ready" I gave her a smile, opening up my arms. She leaned in, giving me a hug and whispering a "thank you" before we continued watching the movie.

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