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A/N: You're all acting like I left you on a cliffhanger but I highkey didn't lmao. Anyway, don't forget to vote babes.

Sorry this took me so long, I had some major writers block smh. I also didn't proof read this so please excuse any errors!


"I don't want to go" Billie cried in my arms.

"You've always wanted this," I whispered, raking my fingers through her hair trying to keep my own tears in.

"Yeah but...not like this," she sniffled.

"It's two months of shows, you'll love it," I tried convincing not only her but me as well.

"But it's getting major. I can't just walk into the crowd and hug them anymore; it's interview after interview and I'm getting tired of it."

"I know," I sighed, not sure how to respond.

"I'm gonna miss you," she whimpered.

"I'm gonna miss you more," I sniffled, unable to hold back my own tears anymore.

"BILLIE! WE GOTTA GO!" We both heard Maggie shout.

She lifted her head from the crook of my neck and looked at me in the eyes, making butterflies swirl my stomach.

"I love you so much," she whispered.

"I love you," I whispered back, pulling her in for one more hug.

She pulled back slowly and looked at me for a second before grabbing her backpack off the floor and slinging it over her shoulder. My body became cold as I watched her walk out of the room and leave for another tour; this one being bigger than ever before.

I knew it was good for her and in the end, she would love it. She loved the shows, she loved the fans but when she left I often feared for her life. She would express to me how lonely she felt after walking off the stage or going to sleep in a hotel room.

After collecting myself for a few minutes I grabbed one of her shirts and threw it on before walking down the street back to my own house. It was windy and I couldn't keep the tears from falling. She's my only friend and when she leaves I'm stuck at home, being home brings my mind to a dark place.


I woke up to the feeling of a soft fingertip tracing over my bottom lip. I smiled before fluttering my eyes open and seeing the most beautiful pair of eyes staring back at me, making my smile even larger.

"Good morning, beautiful," she rasped in a morning voice.

"Mm, morning," I hummed in a sleepy tone,

"You're literally so perfect I don't even know what to do," she laughed.

"Shut up," I pushed her playfully, "What time is it?"

"Four," she answered.

"Remind me why our flight takes off so fucking early?"

"Because my manager is fucking stupid sometimes."

"Right," I nodded.

We both took quick showers and packed our last-minute things before packing into Patrick's car and driving to the airport to meet Finneas, Claudia, and the rest of the crew. The drive to the airport was pretty silent and next thing I knew Billie was waking me up saying we were there.

"They're already here?" I mumbled with a yawn.

"They knew I was leaving today" Billie pouted.

"You girls ready?" Patrick asked as he turned the engine off.

I shook my head 'no' and looked at Billie with scared eyes.

"It's okay baby, just keep your head down know that Sully won't leave your side. All they want is pictures and the majority of them are super nice. I promise it will be okay," Billie assures me as the camera clicks didn't stop.

"Okay," I breathed out, attempting to calm myself. She kissed my cheek sweetly before nodding to Sully that he could open the door. Billie slid out first and reached her hand out to me. I took it hesitantly and slid out of the back seat behind her. She linked her arm around mine and I clung close to her side as the paparazzi were shouting her name and asking her how she was. I didn't dare look up until the shouting became muffled and I knew we were inside.

"You can look up now," Billie whispered to me with a laugh.

"I'm still alive," I half-joked as I looked around seeing our group of people.

"Claudia!" I exclaimed, running up to her and engulfing her in a hug.

"Hey Millie!" she smiled, "How are you?" she asked.

"Exhausted," I shrugged, pulling away from the hug.

"Billie! Oh my god!" We all heard a strange voice call out. I turned to see a teenage girl run up to Billie, Billie opened her arms as the girl ran into them. I smiled at the interaction between them. Bil has always done this for the fans and for moments like these. It's really special to be able to watch a fan interact with her and knowing what she's done for them.

After we all checked in and made it through security we sat down by our gate and luckily it wasn't to busy. I realized in this moment that Billie and I will have to be so careful; I mean, I knew that but not the extent of it. If people arent asking for pictures or hugs, they're glancing our way sudtly.

I don't know how this tour is going to play out, I just hope everything goes to plan.

"Where are we even going to first?" I ask as we take our seats on the plane.

"That's a great question," Billie chuckles, turning around to Maggie, "Mom, where are we going first?"

"Orlando," Maggie answered.

"We're going to Orlando," Billie turns back to me to answer my original question.

"I heard her you weirdo," I smack her arm playfully before leaning my head on her shoulder.

I stared out the window in silence as the plane began taking off and before I knew it I was fast asleep against Billie's shoulder.

A/N: Sorry, sorry sorry, I know this chapter was short and boring but I literally couldn't come up with anything. My brian has not been working.

I made the mistake to start outlining my next book and now I'm more excited for that book and don't feel like finishing this one. BUT I WILL!

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